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Of unions and reunions!
While the first half of 2018 in Chennai had its unique beauty and journey, the second half saw multiple reunions in Mumbai.. Generous time spent with the 'all time support', parents/ family..
Memories shared with friends from various circles..
New memories created with their brand new baby buds..
Celebrated the nuptials of a special friend..
Lastly, cut 4 birthday cakes yesterday for , Squirrel , and - nicknames for the special squad of 4 in our lives♥️#grateful #love #reunions #family #friends #laughter #specialfour #brithdays #yearends #togetherness
The first day of my 30’s was so special...and the celebrations continue!!! ✨
(more photos coming soon)
THANK YOU for the outpouring of love and all the amazing people that came yesterday to share space with Ren and I.
I feel my place in this world and purpose so clearly after yesterday. We are grateful and fulfilled to catch this end of the year show!
And I’ll be keeping the celebrations going with the EPIC lineup at @afrohaus_ this weekend! I’ve got poems, live painting and vending my books/prints. The lineup this weekend is going also to blow you all away, so buy those tickets because they are ALMOST SOLD OUT!!
So today with a broke down car (to be repaired ASAP) but more time to relax and enjoy this stunning weather
⛅️ I am filling my spirit with endless GRATITUDE. I have gained wisdom of lessons and so so so so many more blessings. I look forward to seeing many of you again this weekend. Much love always ✨
#artistshelleybruce #heavenhere #zenren #blackbuddha #wedidthatty #dtla #tribe #brithdays #family #artlife #community #bliss #miracles #gratitdue
I cannot believe that our little girl is ONE! Where did the time go!? This weekend was a huge whirlwind, starting off with a lovely surprise party from my husband for my 30th birthday, and ending with mounds of delicious cake for Natalie’s 1st birthday. I can’t wait for more celebrations with this sweet girl. •
Photo: @candace.gillandersphotography •
#1stbirthday #birthday #30thbirthday #momandmini #aries #birthdaygirls #ruffles #babyturban #babyboutique #accessories #okotoksmoms #yyc #yycmons #spring #floral #babyaccesories #style #babystyle #oneyearold #oneyearoldphotoshoot #romper #babyromper #shopsmall #shoplocal #celebrate #brithdays