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Wow great night to be a mother! So proud of this son and his accomplishments. Finished 5th place out of 24 in the Monster Jam World Finals on freestyle. This was with a truck that wasn’t running right, imagine what it would have been like if the truck was 100%. Never thought I’d say this, but I’m a big monster jam fan!! #brodozer #heavydsparks #monsterjamworldfinals #proudtobehismom #dieselbrothers #dieselsellerz
@heavydsparks pulling off a little #mosterjam parkour in #brodozer last night with an epic save. it’s been a crazy season this year with some ups and downs but man was its been awesome being apart of history and team brodozer. Congratulations to all 7 monster jam champs @waglercompetition @ssfueled @precisionturbo @heatshieldproducts