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“Tens of thousands of whales, birds, seals and turtles are killed every year from plastic bag litter in the marine environment as they often mistake plastic bags for food such as jellyfish.
Plastic bags, once ingested, cannot be digested or passed by an animal so it stays in the gut. Plastic in an animal’s gut can prevent food digestion and can lead to a very slow and painful death.
As plastic bags can take up to 1,000 years to break down, once an animal dies and decays after ingesting plastic, the plastic is then freed back into the marine environment to carry on killing other wildlife.” credit @giovanichacon #reducereuserecycle #loveallanimals#veganquotes#protectanimals#vegan#veganism#echofame#iloveanimals#gogreen#veganisthefuture#govegan#compassion#crueltyfree#livehealthy#harmless#lovenature#buddhismquotes#actionspeakslouderthanwords#weargreen www.echofame.com.au
"नटवीला सोन्यानं तो संसार भिमाचा रमान" आई रमाई ने बाबासाहेब यांचा संसार तर सोन्यांनी नटवीलाच पण त्याच बरोबर संपूर्ण समाजाचा आणि सर्व भारतीय नागरिकांचा संसार सुध्दा त्यांचा थोर त्यागाने सोन्यांन नटवीण्या करीता अमुल्य योगदान दिले..
आई रमाईने शेण्याच्या गौर्या थापून,उपाशी पोटी राहुन,अपार कष्ट करून जमा केलेला पै पैसा डॉ बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर यांना विदेशात शिक्षण घेत असताना शिक्षणाकरिता दिला.किती थोर उपकार आई रमाईचे..
ते म्हणतात न की "कोणत्याही यशस्वी पुरुषांच्या मागे एका स्री चा हात असतोच."
हे बरोबर आहे कारण जर आई रमाई नसत्या तर विश्वरत्न डॉ बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर यांनी जे महान कार्य केल ते करू शकले नसते.माझ्या मते संपूर्ण स्रीयांच्या प्रगतीच्या मागे आई रमाईचा हात आहे कारण आई रमाईनी बाबासाहेबाना दिलेल्या सहकार्या मुळेच बाबासाहेब घडले आणि बाबासाहेबांनी संपूर्ण स्रीयांना भारतीय संविधानाच्या माध्यमातून सर्व समान हक्क दिले म्हणूनच त्या उच्च पदावर व त्याच बरोबर विविध श्रेत्रात काम करत आहेत हे आपण पाहु शकतो..
या Video मधील भिमकन्यानी डॉ बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर यांच्या जिवनात आई रमाईने केलेल्या उपकारचे तसेच आई रमाई ने बाबासाहेब यांचा संसार सोन्यानं नटवीला आहे याचे बोल सादर केले..
दिनदुबळ्यची आई, त्यागमुर्ती रमाई यांचे उपकार आपण कधीच फेडू शकत नाही... आई रमाईस विनम्र अभिवादन..!
लेखन:-भिमअनुयायी अक्षय भालेराव(KingMaker )
Video Credit:-@__xx__ami__xx__
भिमकन्या आणि भिमअनुयायी यांना क्रांतिकारी जय भिम ✊
अशा अप्रतिम पोस्ट साठि
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« In the end this things matter most: How well did you love? How fully did you live? How deeply did you let go? » Buddha.
Temple, Koh Tao, Thailand, May 2019.
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The great Kadampa masters used to say that if the gap between the Dharma and your mind is so big that a person can walk through it, your practice has not been successful. Make sure there’s not the slightest gap between the teachings and your mind. You need to integrate and unite the Dharma with your mind. A Tibetan expression says that you can soften leather by kneading it with butter, but if that leather is hard because it’s been used to store butter, you can never soften it, no matter how hard you try. Since you don’t store butter in skin containers in the West, perhaps that saying doesn’t make sense, but you get the idea.
The Kadampa masters also used to say that the water of Dharma can moisten the earnest, fresh minds of beginners, no matter how undisciplined they are, but can never penetrate the minds of those hardened by knowledge.
Therefore, learning and knowledge must never override your enthusiasm for practice, but neither should your dedication to practice interfere with your commitment to study. Furthermore, both your knowledge and dedication to practice must be grounded in a warm, compassionate heart. These three qualities—scholarship, dedication to practice and compassion—should be combined.
~The 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso
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In no other country in Southeast Asia is Buddhism as visible as in Myanmar. In the morning the monks, like here on Ngapali Beach, go from house to house with containers asking for food for the day.
Follow my instagram if you love buddhism: ➡ @welove_buddhism
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Credit: @bossthilo
Make peace of mind your priority
Follow my instagram if you love buddhism: ➡ @welove_buddhism
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Credit: @konnika_y
"Cara untuk mengubah pikiran orang lain adalah dengan kasih sayang, dan bukan kemarahan."
-Dalai Lama
Semoga Semua Makhluk Hidup Bahagia
. *
Follow my instagram if you love buddhism: ➡ @welove_buddhism
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Credit: @cittamagz
One’s own self-interest and wishes are fulfilled as a byproduct of actually working for other sentient beings. As the well-known fifteenthcentury master Tsongkhapa points out in his Great Exposition of the Path to Enlightenment, “The more the practitioner engages in activities and thoughts that are focused and directed toward the fulfillment of others’ well-being, the fulfillment or realization of his or her own aspiration will come as a byproduct without having to make a separate effort.” Some of you may have actually heard me remark, which I do quite often, that in some sense the bodhisattvas, the compassionate practitioners of the Buddhist path, are “wisely selfish” people, whereas people like us are the “foolishly selfish.” We think of ourselves and disregard others, and the result is that we always remain unhappy and have a miserable time.
Other benefits of altruism and a good heart may not be so obvious to us. One aim of Buddhist practice is to achieve a favorable birth in our next life, a goal that can be attained only by restraining from actions that are harmful to others. Therefore, even in the context of such an aim, we find that altruism and a good heart are at the root. ~The 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso
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