buddytrex dinosaurtrain buddy dinosaur babyboy bigboy brooksresale buddythetrex happyhalloween hardisonrocks love motherslove sabzcakes sabzcakesusa train trex trickortreat cheapbuys crochet crochetbuddy crochetdino crochetdinosaur crocheting crochettrex dinomad dinosaurs donpteranadon halloween kingcryolophosaurus lovethisguy buddythedinosaur
Happy Memorial Day ❤️ DADA’S HOOOME! Not surprisingly he’s the only one who slept during today’s mandatory sunroom group naps, curated by Jacob. The fact that Ri actually stayed asleep despite the incessant squirming/face-poking and constant racket speaks volumes about just how beat he is. (Aurora holding the baby ) #DimetrodonOnHisFaceDontCare #dinosaurseverywhere #groupnap #neverworks #toddlersinmotionwillstayinmotion #giantstegosaurus #newkoalaintown #peppapig #buddytrex #nuggetcomfort #melissaanddoug #breckencrew #momscreepin
Meet Buddy T-Rex
This guy is my grandsons birthday gift! Pattern by @milesofcrochet *
#crochet #crocheting #crochetislife #crochetdinosaur #crochetdino #crochetbuddy #crochettrex #orange #dinosaur #dino #trex #buddy #buddytrex #shoplocal #grandson #crochetetsofinstagram #crochetersofetsy #gift #birthday #handmade #buddythetrex #crochetedbuddy #crochetedtoy #crochetedstuffedanimal #stitchandstoryrep