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Don’t bank on it to be easy!
You have to be 10 times as tough on yourself in order to succeed.
Laziness, procrastination and inconsistency has no place in your life nor in any of your plans.
Push and don’t stop until you see the results you are looking for.
#tough #nonstop #push #success #buum #ibuumerang
*ibüümerang Korea is on FIRE with our Korean Master Ambassadors Sophie and Johnny Chung!!* The Sonic *BüüMs* you are hearing are coming from Korea!! They are having 4+ events each day with over 100 at each event.
People are lining up in the hotel lobby and the hotel is threatening to kick them out *KOREA IS IN FULL FLIGHT MODE AND GOING AT SUPER SONIC SPEED!!* Go Johnny and Sophie!!
#buum #ibuumerang #ibüümerang #korea #masterambassadorkorea #sophiechung #sonicbuum #onfire
There was a time in my life when I would have looked at this picture and cringed while being my own worst critic and picking myself apart from head to toe. Queen B 10.0 looked at this picture and said yaaaaasssssss Hunty...push thru curves!!! Today, I am the woman of my dreams and my own biggest fan. I am so grateful for and completely humbled by this season of elevation in my life...I feel like I have been preparing for this moment for a decade. Here’s what I’ve learned, when you are poised for greatness, not everyone will be happy for you, but “they” will never be able to block your shine. No matter what you do, you’ll never be able to please everyone. So the best thing you can do is follow your heart. We have never been the type of people who tear down to build. We don’t have to. Because when you’ve built it from scratch, you know you can always do it again. I will say this: Nothing inspires me more than the naysayers! I love it when people doubt my abilities! There will be allot of sleepless nights ahead and a mountain of work to be done, but there is NOTHING that this #BadassWoman can’t handle! Every single decision my husband and I have made in our 28+ year career has been in service to others and the decision to start our own company is no different. One way or another, we are going to build the most admired company in the world...if you don’t believe me, just watch❣️ #WatchMeWork #BUUM #iBuumerang #ChasingBILLIONS #HoltonBuggs #EarleneBuggs #WiiN #ClosetChats #WomanLaw #HavanaNights #Legacy #aBuggsLife
❌A partir de hoy, vive sin excusas. ❌No te pongas excusas para crecer, para ser mejor y para tener un mayor desarrollo personal.
Las excusas limitan nuestra vida y nos privan de tomar grandes oportunidades. Quítate la excusas y se mejor, atrévete y haz lo que te llene, te apasione y te deje un desarrollo personal, por que lo material lo consigues rápido, lo difícil es conseguir un nivel de desarrollo espiritual alto. Quizá hoy tengas que sacrificar, pero en un futuro serás libre.✅ Si sacrificas, es por algo grande
#jovenylibre #onevision #negociosonline #buum #sinexcusas #vidasinexcusas