byframesi framesi framesiofficial framesimorphosisproforce framesiusa primer11 colormethod framesicolorlover 2019hair kansas kchair kcsalon kshair kssalon lansingks leavenworthks sunflowerstatehair vollibresalon colorado coloradostylist denver framesicolor mystylistisbetterthenyours rebelsalondenver rinoartdistrict senseofhumour tipofday tipofdayladies denvercolorado denversmallbusiness framesilatam
That blend and tone This is the only kind of ice I want to see until next winter
Who agrees?! This has felt like the longest winter Kansas has seen in years and I’m welcoming this dreary spring rain with open arms.
On a side note online booking is still down, after an amazing educational class I’ve decided to make some changes to booking, times etc. Don’t worry no prices are raising at this time but I’m realizing that I need to adjust some of the base times for my more artistic services. Make sure that you guys like and follow our salon IG @vollibresalon and Facebook to keep up with all the latest moves as I go forward in the business! .
#vollibresalon #KShair #KSsalon #KCHair #KCsalon #leavenworthks #lansingks #2019hair #KANSAS #sunflowerstatehair #framesi #FramesiUSA #FramesiOfficial #framesieclectic #framcoloreclectic #colormethod #framesicolorlover #BYframesi #primer11 #framesimorphosisproforce