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At Arnold's, Everyone is welcome. And you can get comfy just like fluffy did
Thank you @otjep for sharing your moment at @arnoldscoffee
#Arnoldscoffee #coffeeshop #coffeetime #umalasbali #cafebali
#cupsinframe #ehayokngopi #indocoffeegram #happyboringlife #tinxpiration #coffeejpg #onmytable #onthetable #eatnkoffe #coffeeculture #coffeelovers #baristalife #baristagram #canggucafe #canggufood
bali cafe
NEW @creamerybali - This is like a scene from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate factory came alive! + 2-for-1 ICE CREAM SANDWICHES every Saturday & 2-for-1 MILK SHAKES every Monday!
#thisisbali #balilife #thebalibible #balieats #balicafes #balilove #foodblog #canggucafe #cafecanggu #foodphotography #thefeedfeed #foodpics #balibreakfast #breakfastclub #cafebali #icecreambali #nitroicecream #icecreamparlor #gelato #sundae #cone #icecreamsandwich
Ice Latte and Roasted Wild Mushrooms on toast.
See @wild1deli for #breakfast.
Welcome to @wild1deli
#balicafes #cafebali #healthyfoodinbali #healthyfoodbali #morningcoffee #balibreakfast #balicoffee #balinesecoffee #balinesefood #mediterianfood #asianfood #breakfastinbali #balieatery #balieats #foodlovers #balilife #balicommunity #guidebali #balifoodblogger #balitravel #wild1 #wild1deli #baliculinary #seminyak
[#FoodnoteBali!] Akhirnya sempet jalan-jalan juga di Bali
Nemu cafe lucu yang punya menu Fluffy Pancake dan Kakigori kayak di Jepang ginii namanya
Reviewnya bisa cek di IG story / Highlight Bali2019 yaa.
#tokerucafebali #cafebali #cafe #weekend #holiday #holidayvibes #hut #cutecafe #bali #balifood #balifoodies #foodiegodisland #deliciousbali