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There are some super cool camping vendors here at the fairgrounds today. Gotta say, it would be very nice to not have the need for a loud clunky generator when we're camping with no hookups! And damn there are some NICE campers! Been taking some video tours while I'm exploring a few. Makes for fun times envisioning our first camping retreat!
Live life with ENTHUSIASM!
#BeTenacious about YOUR happiness my friends! Even and especially when it's hard.
#LiveLoveLoud #FuckFear
Follow my business page @tenaciously_happy_campers where I share our journey as we create the life of our dreams- a Hemp Farm Retreat.
#hempretreat #hempfarmdreams #hemp #hemplife #cannalove #cannabislifestyle #cannabiscommunity #cannabusiness
#camplife #camper4life #campers #campershavemorefun
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