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from @highupheadshop - Got a sweet tooth satisfy it with the new Candy King E-Juice at High Up! Whether you prefer sweet or sweetly sour, #Strawberry Rolls and Hard #Apple are sure to tickle your tastebuds Available in 0mg, 3mg, and 6mg of nicotine! @dripmore #dripmore #dripmoreejuice #satisfythatsweettooth #highup #columbus #ohio #northhigh #shortnorth #vape #ejuice #candykings #614 #local #highstreet #21andup #vapenation #vapehead #vapepen #joyetech #joyetechpens #vapelife #vapeup #candykingvapejuice #candykingvape - #regrann
Repost from @neckbr8kr_d21 using @RepostRegramApp - Because i dont usually post pics of me..
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Candy King Pink Squares
O Juice apresenta seu doce quadrado favorito em forma de E-líquid em uma explosão de sabor incomparável! Sabe aquela balinha que depois que comeu uma já era?! Não consegue mais parar de comer, vapore o Juice e sinta essa sensação
3 MG .
Какой был прекрасный показ был,это было супер спасибо@victoria_slivchenko
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