cank connordbh dbhopenrp dbhrp detectivereed detroitbecomehuman gavin900 gavindbh gavinreed hankanderson hankcon hankdbh hannor lieutenantanderson ninesdbh openrp openrpdbh reed900 richarddbh rk1700 rk800 rk900 conandbh loveyou painting elimibirakma sanat вза coolcouples
Whether you ship it platonically or romantically you have to admit these two are fucking adorable
People requested Connor and @soul_errorr said hank so I combined the two
Dt @soul_errorr @bobateanoods
Artists X4sj00 and salt4salt the rest are unknown PLEASE tell me if you know the rest of the artists
Don't repost this edit without asking
#detroitbecomehumanhank #detroitbecomehumanconnor #deviant #detroitbecomehuman #android #Detroit #hankconnor #honnor #cank
This is for all the people who hate rk900. He literally did nothing wrong. He just looks more intimidating than our baby concon
I used to not like him bc I didn't want concon to be replaced but now he's cool
Okay bye
Edit: god I wish I never used the word dominant
(Ignore these)
#rk800 #loveislove #rk900 #dbh #detroitbecomehuman #cank #honnor #boyslikeboys #hannor #conk #girlslikegirls #bryandechart #ps4 #detroit #gay
I can't wait until the angry shippers arrive
Edit: The angry people arrived and I am very satisfied with myself
Edit 2: I've been blocked so many times because of this lmao
#detroitbecomehuman #androidconnor #connorandroid #becomehuman #dbh #connorrk800 #connordbh #dbhconnor #rk800connor #rk800 #hankanderson #hankandersondbh #hankdbh #lieutenanthankanderson #lieutenanthank #lieutenantanderson #dbhmeme #cank #hankxconnor #connorxhank #honnor #hankandconnor #connorandhank #hankcon
Hey hello this is for @daddy.rk900
@daddy.rk900 did the picture and I edited the words
I haven't done a meme in a while
It's 1:44am and I'm tired this is weird
(Ignore these)
#connordbh #loveislove #dbh #detroit #detroitbecomehuman #shrek #ps4 #quanticdream #cank #conk #hannor #honnor #gay #memes #bryandechart #hankdbh @bryandechart @amelia_rose_blaire
A stupid meme I made
Don't repost without credit
I posted like two seconds ago, idk why I wanted to post again
(Ignore these)
#connordbh #loveislove #dbh #detroit #detroitbecomehuman #ps4 #quanticdream #cank #conk #hannor #honnor #gay #bryandechart #hankdbh @bryandechart @amelia_rose_blaire
Mini edit
Ct: me
Ac: me
Song: The Love Club - Lorde || Sunshine - KYLE
Ib: Nobody
Tag: #detroitbecomehuman #detroitbecomehumanedit #dbh #dbhedit #dbhship #hannor #hankcon #honnor #cank #hankxconnor #connorxhank #reed900 #900gavin #900reed #gavin900 #gavinxrk900 #rk900xgavin #simkus #simarkus #sikus #simonxmarkus #markusxsimon #ralphxjerry #jerryxralph #karaxluther #lutherxkara #traci #bluehairedtraci || #sashabraus #aot
(Open Roleplay, look below!! No dick, no warning guys, don't report!)
It had been months since Gavin had found the tiny man, and had taken him in. The detective thought that the man, or Hank, was quite cute, and today, he decided to have some fun. Holding Hank firmly, but gently, in both hands, he lifted the much smaller man up to his face, using his thumb to push up the tiny shirt. Gavin's tongue pushed out if his mouth, pressing against Hank's abdomen, warm breath hitting against the tiny human, while Hank could only squirm and let out soft whines.
Credit: LeopardLULULU (twoucan)
#hankcon #cank #hannor #reed900 #rk1700 #Gavin900 #hankanderson #hankdbh #lieutenantanderson #gavinreed #gavindbh #detectivereed #rk900 #ninesdbh #richarddbh #conandbh #rk800 #connordbh #hankgav #hankvin #hankxgavin #detroitbecomehuman #dbh #openrp #dbhopenrp #openrpdbh #dbhrp