canneslions cannes fashion canneslions2019 cannesfilmfestival digital festivaldecannes frenchriviera monaco sttropez advertising cannes2019 cannesfestival cotedazur alpes animalrights beatingbloodcancer betterworld bicyclefilmfestival bloodwise bottleservice cannesisyours cannesparty cannesyachtingfestival champagneshowers clubbing clubcannes create cristalchampagne cyclinglife bahiacriafestival
It was a pleasure to speak with Adrienne C. Smith, founder of @CannesDiversityCollective at @InkwellBeachCannes last week. This activation is the first of its kind in 66 years, created to specifically highlight and showcase the theme of equality, diversity and inclusion at the @Cannes_Lions International Festival of Creativity.. I was honored to be a part of this important initiative. #canneslions #canneslions2019 #cannes #inkwellbeachcannes #NAOMIAFRICA
Güney Fransa sahillerindeki hava ayrı Monaco - Marsilya arası roadtrip rehberi gelsin mi •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
French Riviera vibes #oooblog #ooocotedazur #nice #cannes #cotedazur #canneslions #frenchriviera #shetravels #sheisnotlost #girlsborntotravel #travelinfluencer #gezlist #gezginkadinlar #gezgin #gezgez #wearetravelgirls #wanderlust