carajo argentina rock basadoenhechosreales music compa memesenespa metal espa vida chile joder amigo amor bass brasil buenosmemes cemamo chingada colombia drums guitar hardcore heavymetal humor humornegro instapic mejoramigo _larenga_
Muchas gracias por este hermoso resumen de SANTA FE !!!!!! Gracias a @tribusclubdearte !!!!!
Les avisamos ya que el 6 de junio nos vemos en FLORES!?!?!? #repost @lechuzafilms
Un pedacito de terror en @tribusclubdearte. Resumen #audiovisual del show de @carajomusic . ¿Querés cobertura fotográfica o videoclip para tu banda? Consultanos
#film #live #concert #recital #envivo #filmaker #videografo #rock #metal #carajo #santafeciudad #banda #bandaderock #rockband #carajoensantafe #tribusbar #heavymetal #hardcore
Hace unos días estuve trabajando en este monograma para el nuevo disco de la banda @carajomusic . Es una composición de cuatro letras "BEHR" (Basado en Hechos Reales), nombre de álbum.
Gracias Carajo!
Ph. @ignacioviolini
#carajo #behr #sch #monograma #hechoamano #draw #lettering #handtype #handmade
Yesterday, as I was browsing through Instagram, I saw a photo of a beautiful bathroom (swipe ➡️). I stopped ✋ scrolling immediately! And took a few seconds to take in what I was looking at: the patterned tiles, the dreamy bathtub, the black and white furniture, the and the cool lamp.
My first thought was: “I will never have such beautiful bathroom ”
“Wait, what?!” I interrupted myself and thought: “If you tell yourself you will never have it, most likely, you never will!”
I immediately changed my speech and told myself: “I will have that bathroom, sooner or later” — and I took a screenshot of it so I could keep it. Now, I will work towards what I want instead of victimizing myself
That thought was reassuring AF, and it made me feel in control of my life. So, next time YOU catch yourself saying things like: I will never have, I will never do, or I will never be, flip that thought around and make it a goal of yours Capiche? ☺️ #hellofears #motivation #yesIcan
:v Recuerden seguirme, comentar y compartirlo.
También recuerden suscribirse en mi canal de Youtube "Tortilla 24"
#memes #momos #momo #momazos #solomemes #humor #humornegro #compañero #mejoramigo #compa #amigo #panas #xd #alv #mrd #chingada #carajo #risa #cemamo #cmamut #joder #tu #yo #viral #tendencias #mascotas #chanclas #madres #fotos #bebes