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#totoro #japan #ghibli #cosplay #anime #japanstyle #CastleintheSky #MyNeighborTotoro #KikiDeliveryService #SpiritedAway #HowlsMovingCastle #TalesfromEarthsea #Ponyo #TheWindRises #WhenMarnieWasThere #HayaoMiyazaki #Miyazaki #Hayao #JoeHisaishi #Hisaishi #studioghibli #childhoodmemories #bestmemories #bestanime #bestmovie #japanmovie
#fanart by Takamine Sayoko (@sa._.yo._.ko)
From the #anime movies #castleinthesky (1986), #kikisdeliveryservice (1989) and #howlsmovingcastle (2004) by #hayaomiyazaki, #studioghibli.
#sayoko #ghibliartworks #ghibli #ghibliart #studioghibliart #laputa #kiki #jiji #hauru #howlpendragon #howljenkins #howljenkinspendragon #sophiehatter #sheeta #宮崎駿 #ジブリ #スタジオジブリ #魔女の宅急便 天空の城ラピュタ #ハウルの動く城 #ハウル