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New Stock Of Cat5e CCA Plenum
Buy Cat5e CCA plenum cable form WESTCables at discounted prices, High quality ethernet networking cables.
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Cat5e Plenum Cable
Cat5e Plenum 1000ft CMP Solid UTP 24-AWG conductor, CMP rated, available in different colors Blue, White at WESTCables.
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Cat5e Riser Pure Copper CMR-4 pair (UTP) 24-AWG high-quality Ethernet networking cable is riser rated 350Mhz is easy and smooth to install at home and office. For more information>>>
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Do i Need Cat5e Plenum Cable?
High-Quality Cat5e is tested up to 350 MHz, 24 AWG and 4-Pair Conductor Ethernet Cable. Cat5e Plenum Cables helps to produce less smoke and low flame such cables run in the plenum spaces of buildings. (408) 934 0215
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