cavalierblenheim cavalierkingcharlesspaniel cavalier cavaliercommunity cavalierworld cavalierlover ckcs cavlife cavaliersofinstagram cavalierkingcharles dogsofinstagram blenheimcavalier cavalierlife cavalierpuppy puppy puppiesofinstagram dogstagram cavalierkingdom cavalierking cavalierlove cavalierofinstagram cavaliers cutedog dogs cavalierkingcharlesspanielsofinstagram cavlove clownfacecavalier kingcharlesspaniel cavaholic orgulhogay
「おねーちゃん、やっとお外出れてよかったねー♪ 」「うん、よかったー」「え?でもまた明日から雨だって…おねーちゃん!」「。。。」
We hope the rainy season will be end soon…
#キャバリア #キャバリアキングチャールズスパニエル #キャバリアブレンハイム #キャバリアトライ #キャバリア部 #きゃばりあ #やっと雨がやんだ #今のうちに #お散歩 #お散歩コースは犬祭り #また明日から雨 #ちーん #早く梅雨終われー #ckcs #cavalier #cavalierkingcharlesspaniel #cavalierblenheim #tricolorcavalier #lovecavalier #cavaliersofinstagram #cavalierlife #hope #rainyseason #beend #soon #lookupthesky #cloudyday
♥ You are fearfully and wonderfully made. ♥
♥ Each of us are designed with great intentions. We each have talents and traits that create our identity. No two souls are the same. We are all precious masterpieces. Embrace your uniqueness, never change who you are, and define what sets your soul on fire. ♥
♥ I feel so unique with my personalized sparkly Kiki bandana by @nomadic.tails with my special rose and butterflies hairpeice by my mommy. Big thanks to @mypetcanva for sending me this marvelous canvas print of my portrait, it is sooo stunning and artistic. ♥
А вы знали, что в #кофепью самый вкусный #наполеон
А у нас дома закончились... нет, не книжки -
поэтому мы с #принцессалея выбрались поужинать
#непогода ☔️ нас не пугает
Идеальный вечер в компании с кардиганом от @brazgovka ❤️ #лето2019 #июнь #собакагуляка #кавалеркингчарльзспаниель
#тортнаполеон #суббота #ужин #кофе
#leliwaovation #cavalierkingcharlsspaniel #cavalierblenheim #dog #cavlife
♥ Flourish while you nourish! ♥
♥ As it is important to take care of others, it is just as important to take care of ourselves. For if we are not properly cared for, how can we properly care for others? Nourish yourselves with the best ingredients for top performance! I love my new Harvest Chicken Stew by @openfarmpet because it is 100% human grade ingredients made with certified humane chicken raised without antibiotics, and has no grains or potatoes. This keeps me lean and feeling energized. A perfect stew that mom blends into my dry food. Remember to close the best nourishment for your bodies too! ♥
♥ Have a fabulous flourishing Friday! ♥ ♥ Bandana by @royalcollectionsandco : shop and save with my code ~ KIKI10 ♥
Bath Time Question: Seal or Cavalier?⠀
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#cavalierkingcharlesspanielpuppy #cavalierspaniel #cavalierblenheim #kingcavalier #workingspaniel #smalldoglife #cavaholic #cavworld #blenheimcavalier #puppysnuggles #doggosdoingthings #puppytraining #puppy_tales #cutestpuppy #dogfeatures #pawstruck #kingcharles #puppylover #dogsdaily #fluffydog (C2) #wetdogwednesday #bathtimefun #wetdog #sealdog #wetpuppy #doggtbath #ihatebaths #dogbath #wetdogsmell #cleandog
With Liza. My mummy and daddy rescued her, and she is always visiting us with her Daddy. She is lucky, like me #rescuedog #rescued #cavipuppy #mayadog #cavalierkingcharles #cavalierpuppy #cavalierkingcharlesspaniel #cavalierworld #cavaliersofinstagram #cavalier #cavalierlover #blenheimcavalier #cavalierblenheim #ckcs #ckcspics #ckcsofinstagram #ckcsofinstagram #ckcspuppy #ckcspaniel #ckcslover #ckcsclub #cavifriends #cavalierofinstagram
♥ Gotta love the smell of fresh ambition in the morning. ♥
♥ Happy #MonSLAY Everyone. Be ambitious and strive to be the best version of yourself. ♥
♥ My Uncle Nalukea and I are promoting one ambitious way to get the most out of your fitness. Proudly we are influencers with @310nutrition so use discount code 310ALOHAKIKI on your next order. We love our #310shake which is a #healthyswap for a post workout ️♂️ snack. ♥
Finally was some sunshine on Budapest☀️ #sunnybudapest #cavalierkingcharlesspaniel #cavalierworld #cavaliersofinstagram #cavalier #cavalierlover #blenheimcavalier #cavalierblenheim #ckcs #ckcspics #ckcsofinstagram #ckcsofinstagram #ckcspuppy #ckcspaniel #ckcslover #ckcsclub #cavifriends #cavalierofinstagram