centarkulr magicandbeyond jelenastefanovich thejunkiesoul junkiesoulmagic jelenaxjelena bemagic introspekcija doubletroublejelene pisanje magijaiviseodtoga getyourbarsrun junkiesoultribe wildwoman awakening consciousness inspiracija radnasebi artlover artstresterapija authentic awareness jelenastefanovichcitati magicnajutra producers suzepekusamoprviput writer writing beingyou doubletrouble findyourmagic
Jedan od razloga što je na našim prostorima jako gusta energija jeste što, osim fiksiranih stavova i osuđivanja različitosti, postoje mnogi zaveti i obaveze koji su nasledjeni od predaka. Naš otpor i bes koji se intuitivno javlja zbog gluposti što su činili i omči koje su nam energetski stavili oko vrata, samo potvrđuje ono što bi zapravo trebalo pustiti.
Mnogo toga je skriveno, potisnuto i ne pripada nama, ali dokle god utiče na naš život, neminovno nas vodi da se pozabavimo time. U suprotnom, bićemo vrlo nezadovoljni (što većina i jeste).
Cela ta priča da je NEKO dužan da uradi NEŠTO, sklanja nas sa izvora kreacije koji se nalazi u nama samima. Svako očekivanje ili izgovor koji imamo, onemogućava nas da preuzmemo odgovornost za sebe. Kroz ustaljene modele razmišljanja i ponašanja zaustavljamo kreaciju, a konstantnim gledanjem unazad opiremo se univerzalnom toku.
Ali, čak i tad imamo izbor - hoćemo li isterivati pravdu, naplaćivati račune, "čekati ono što nam pripada" ili kreirati život po svojoj meri?
Ako ste odabrali isto što i ja, sedite, udahnite duboko i kažite: "Biram ljubav umesto straha, obilje mesto oskudice, slobodu umesto vezanosti. Unosim svetlo tamo gde je tama i šaljem ljubav tamo gde je nije bilo. Praštam i molim se za najviše dobro svih nas. Predajem brige Izvoru i zahvaljujem na svemu što Jeste! Neka tako bude!" Jelena Stefanović
#thejunkiesoul #artstresterapija #pisanje #introspekcija #meditacija #inspiracija #magijaiviseodtoga #magicandbeyond #artlover #writersofinstagram #autenticnost #carolija #isceljenje #heartofcreationbyjelena #centarkulr
Instagram Live Thursday at 9 PM
What is Gaslighting?
Most of us in our life experience something called gaslighting. The term is introduced into psychology from the movie"Gaslight". Unfortunately, this happens evewhere - through the media, in marketing, educational institutions... If you are looking for more awareness, send an email to
Access your potential! The only reason someone tries to manipulate you and make you be the focus of their abuse is the fact that you are the only one with strength to overcome it!
Are you hanging out with us? Instagram profile @jelenastefanovich
with @jelena_vraness
#jelenastefanovich #magicandbeyond #thejunkiesoul #junkiesoultribe #junkiesoulmagic #bemagic #sorceress #psychology #gaslighting #gaslightingawareness #gaslightingisabuse #gaslightingsurvivor #awereness #spiritual #awakening #doubletroublejelene #Doubletrouble #jelenaxjelena #centarkulr #bemagic #beingyou #power #authentic #trueself #producers #creativecoaching #consciousness #innerwisdom #intuition #introspection #photodesign
"Topim se, nestajem... Pretvaram se u prah... I neka me hladni vetrovi odnesu,
i nek me snegovi bilo gde ponesu, samo nek te meni bar jednom donesu!"
Nestajem, "Suze peku samo prvi put", Jelena Stefanović
#suzepekusamoprviput #jelenastefanovich #jelenastefanovichcitati #thejunkiesoul #magicandbeyond #centarkulr
Izgovori svoju moć!!!
Instagram Live večeras u 21h!
Sve o čemu ćutimo, ne može se promeniti!
Tek kada počnemo da govorimo otvoreno i o najružnijim, najbolnijim stvarima, počne transformacija. Tek tada stajemo u svoj potencijal, prigrlimo svoju moć i širimo svoj kapacitet za primanje, davanje i bezuslovnu ljubav!
Jel se družite večeras sa nama Instagram profil @jelenastefanovich
sa @jelena_vraness
#doubletroublejelene #Doubletrouble #jelenaxjelena #magicandbeyond #thejunkiesoul #centarkulr #bemagic #beingyou #vocalise #power #authentic #trueself #producers #creative #coaching #awereness #consciousness #awakening #innerwisdom #intuition #intropection #creativecouching #photodesign #instagramlive #abrahadabra #icreateasispeak #jelenavraness
"It is not easy to fall in love with a conscious woman. In a woman who woke up ... That`s because in her clear eyes, you will see the marvelous expression of your own inner demons, and as you fight them, the whole eternity will be gone. And even then, you will not be close to her, because consciousness does not care for the temporary... "
Jelena Stefanović, from the manuscript "Brilliant mind"
#brilliantmind #jelenastefanovich #jelenastefanovichquotes #quotes
#artlover #magicandbeyond #centarkulr #junkiesoulmagic #bemagic #innerwisdom #blackandwhitephoto #eyes #womanseyes #fallinlove #conciousswoman #sorceress #carobnica #jelenavraness #svesnost #blackstyle #black #divinefeminine #wildwomanrising #femaleenergyawakening
”You did not come here to believe in lies and excuses. You came to live your truth. So, next time when you think about how weak you are, be sure that you are deceived. All the strength you need is in you.
Next time when you come up with the idea that you can not do it, know that you accepted the excuse and that you are what you truly are no more. There are no limitations. Only those in your mind.” - @jelenastefanovich #jelenastefanovichquotes #junkiesoulmagic #centarkulr #tearsburnonlythefirsttime #urbangoddess #onlineworkshops #wildwomanrising #sorcceress #carobnica #instagramlive #bemagic #beyou #beart #getyourbarsrun #energyinmotion #artist #artlover #writer #jelenaijelena #doubletroublejelene #jelenavraness #femaleenergyawakening #blackandwhitephoto #artphoto #leatherpants #boots #black #style #blackstyle #divinefeminine
Da li ste voljni da probate Barse? Javite se u inbox ili preko mejla junkiesoultribe@gmail.com ili
Tretman možete probati po promotivnoj ceni od 01.do 10. maja. #pristupsvesti #accessbars #accessbarsconsciousness #accessbarspractitioner #accessbarsprakticar #getyourbarsrun #accessbars #carobnica #sorceress #divinefeminine #femaleenergyawakening #wildwomanrising #jelenastefanovich #centarkulr #bemagic #becreative #creativemess #kreativnihaos #accessbarstretmani #beart #bemagic #lessstress #zivotbezstresa #findyourmagic #energyinmotion #magicandbeyond #thejunkiesoul #jelenavraness