challengecupquebecgrandprix2019 clubiponord dogtraining schutzhund workingdog dogsport workingk9 dogtrainers gsscc workingline schutzhundtraining workinglinegsd schutzhunddog dogtracking schutzhundtracking clubipo gsdworkingline proudsponsor trackingdog brentalvey protection schutzhundprotection simontanguaypinsonnault dogtrainingequipment dogequipment gsdbreeder legendk9equipment clubipo
To all participants :
There are only a few days left before the challenge, you are welcome to come and train with us with our trial helpers and have better chance to win the money prizes and the cup.
Saturday June 15th 9:30 to 12:30
Thursday June 20th 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm
Saturday June 22nd 9:30 to 12:30
Thursday June 27th 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm with Simon Tanguay Pinsonnault
Friday 10:30 am to 4:30 pm with Brent Alvey
Please take note that your participation to any practice on our site is voluntary on your part.
During any practice, if any dog and or handler get injured, Club Ipo Nord will not be held responsible.
Just contact us to tell us that you will come and join a practice within the schedule herein mentioned at
Or dial 819-430-3768 ask for Hélène.
#challengecupquebecgrandprix2019 #clubiponord #schutzhundtracking #schutzhund #schutzhunddog #schutzhundtraining #ipo #igp #gsscc #gsd #workingdog #dogsport #workingline #workinglinegsd #workingk9 #dogtrainers #dogtraining #dogtracking #protection #schutzhundprotection #brentalvey #simontanguaypinsonnault
Legend K9 est fier de commandité notre première édition de la Coupe Challenge 2019 au Club Ipo Nord. Des prix de participation en argent pour ceux qui mériteront la première place sur le podium . Le 29 et 30 juin prochain. Êtes-vous prêt à relever le défi? #legengk9 #legendk9equipment #clubiponord #challengecupQuebecgrandprix2019 #proudsponsor #schutzhund #schutzhundtraining #workingdog #workingk9 #ipo #dogsport #dogtraining #dogtrainers #gsdworkingline #workingline #igp #gsscc #clubipo #dogequipment #dogtrainingequipment
Nous sommes fiers de vous présenter nos trois traceurs de pistes, Maurice Bernard, Patrick Godbout, JC Champagne , pour la Coupe Challenge 2019 du 29 au 30 juin prochain au
Etes-vous prêt à relever le défi?
#challengecupquebecgrandprix2019 #clubiponord #schutzhundtracking #schutzhund #schutzhunddog #schutzhundtraining #ipo #igp #gsscc #gsd #workingdog #dogsport #workingline #workinglinegsd #workingk9 #dogtrainers #dogtraining #dogtracking #trackingdog
Our helpers for our Challenge Cup 2019 in June, are you ready to take the challenge?#challengecupquebecgrandprix2019 #clubiponord #schutzhundtracking #schutzhund #schutzhunddog #schutzhundtraining #ipo #igp #gsscc #gsd #workingdog #dogsport #workingline #workinglinegsd #workingk9 #dogtrainers #dogtraining #dogtracking #protection #schutzhundprotection #brentalvey #simontanguaypinsonnault
Les meilleurs champs pour la coupe Challenge 2019, êtes-vous prêt à relever le défi? We do have the best tracking fields for the Challenge Cup 2019, are you ready to take the challenge?
#challengecupquebecgrandprix2019 #clubiponord #schutzhundtracking #schutzhund #schutzhunddog #schutzhundtraining #ipo #igp #gsscc #gsd #workingdog #dogsport #workingline #workinglinegsd #workingk9 #dogtrainers #dogtraining #dogtracking #trackingdog
For sale: Puppy #dogsport #dogsportequipment #legendk9 #workingdog #dogtraining #dogtrainingequipmentoronto #dogtrainers #workingk9 #workinglinegsd #workingdoggsd #gsd #gsdpuppy #puppy #puppytraining #clubiponord #challengecupquebecgrandprix2019 #coupechallengequebrcgrandprix
Very nice puppies litter @wendelin_kennel # #puppies #gsdbreeder #gsdpuppy #gsdpuppies #workingline #workinglinegsd #dogsport #workingdog #workingk9 #clubiponord #GSSCC #ipo #igp #schutzhund #schutzhunddog #schutzhundgsd #coupechallengequebecgrandprix #challengecupquebecgrandprix2019
Wendelin Farm est fier de commandité notre première édition de la Coupe Challenge 2019 au Club Ipo Nord. Des prix de participation en argent pour ceux qui mériteront la première place sur le podium . Le 29 et 30 juin prochain. Êtes-vous prêt à relever le défi? #wendelinfarm #clubiponord #challengecupQuebecgrandprix2019 #proudsponsor #schutzhund #schutzhundtraining #workingdog #workingk9 #ipo #dogsport #dogtraining #dogtrainers #gsdworkingline #workingline #igp #gsscc #clubipo #gsdbreeder #wendelin
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