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With dismay, we heard the news from Paris. We are full of grief over the losses, but also hope for a good outcome and gratitude for all helpers.
Mit Bestürzung haben wir die Nachrichten aus Paris vernommen. Trauer über die Verluste, aber auch Hoffnung auf einen guten Ausgang und Dankbarkeit für alle HelferInnen erfüllen uns. © SPSG Photo: Eduard Gärtner - Notre Dame in Paris from the South, 1827, New Pavilion, Charlottenburg Palace
#notredame #paris #grief #charlottenburg #charlottenburgpalace #schlosscharlottenburg #heritage #heritagesite #brand #frankreich #fire #france #wiederaufbau #reconstruction #notredamecathedralfire #schätze #treasure #schinkel #gärtner #worldheritage #unesco
Blick über die Stadt-Hauptstadtliebe
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Guten Abend.
Sophie Charlotte von Hannover gab 1695 den Bau dieser Sommerresidenz in Auftrag. Und so können wir uns noch heute am Schloss Charlottenburg erfreuen.
Schönes Wochenende
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SHANIU’S HOUSE OF NOODLES • [unpaid ad] Close-up (+ attempt of noodle pull ) of the cold noodles with beef and sesame sauce (6,50€) I had at @shaniu_house . As I said in my previous review of this place (two posts below this one on my grid! ), it was the first time I had a dish like that! I was kind of scared because “cold” noodles ❄️ sounded like I would eat a plate of noodles that had been cooled down after being cooked and the idea weirded me out a bit but OMG they were such a revelation!! So refreshing and yummy, perfect for warm days! ☀️ And the homemade noodles had the perfect consistency and chew ✨. % recommended honestly, that’s the reason why these deserved a post dedicated to them only . #Berlin #Charlottenburg