chladni euphone crystal soundhealing acousticdronemusic ambient ambientmusic anderseninstruments cristalbaschet crystalbaschet dronemusic experimentalmusicalinstrument glass glassharp glassinstrument justintonation oddinstruments soundhealingtherapy soundsculpture soundsculptures chladniplate soundart sound singingbowl frequency acousticsandcrystallography binaural binauralbeats chladnipatterns cristalografiayacustica crystalbaschet
▪It's called a chladni plate. The stuff on it is couscous. It demonstrates two-dimensional standing waves.
▪Buna chladni plakası denir. Üzerindeki şeyler kuskus. Kuskuslar, ses dalgasının metaldeki yayılma şeklini taklit ediyor ve simetrik desenler çiziyor. Bu, 2 boyutlu duran dalgaları gösteriyor.
Via @stevemouldscience
#bilim #teknoloji #astronomi #space #science #technology #astronomy #apod #amazing #uzay #durandalgalar #standingwaves #chladni
Just think about all the possibilities - healing for our bodies, for the environment, for our minds. Since everything is made up of molecules just like these grains of sand...share your ideas below for how we could use that amazing phenomenon to be loving to ourselves, our fellow human beings and our planet ❤️❤️❤️ .
#music #chladni #chladniplate #chladnifigures #chladnipatterns #healing #love #light #angels #world #earth #nasa #heaven #starts #muse #namaste #metoo #ces #applewatch #iphone #intelligence #ibmwatson #watson #f8
La explicación a lo que ves, es que al producir una vibración en una placa pueden producirse ondas estacionarias. Tendremos unas zonas que no vibrarán, llamadas nodos y en ellas se acumulará la arena y dibujará unas figuras u otras según la frecuencia.
Ernst Chladni (que vaya apellido difícil gasta el hombre) fue un físico y músico alemán al que se considera el "padre de la acústica" debido a sus experimentos en la vibración de placas y en el estudio de los dibujos que aparecen.
Esto se puede estudiar fácilmente mediante una placa plana y algún sistema para hacerla vibrar a una determinada frecuencia, Chladni utilizó un arco de violín. Espolvoreamos alguna sustancia, por ejemplo... arena, y podemos apreciar la formación de figuras en la placa.
#ciencia #science #experiments #experimento #experimentos #videofunny #videoftheday #sonido #vibracion #sound ##Chladni #fisica #physics #like #follow
Harmonic series euphone. (1/5, 1/6, 1/7, 1/8, 1/9, 1/10, 1/11, 1,12 fundamental as C2) hard to hear in the recording but listen for the phantom fundamental. Headphones or speakers recommended. Acoustic drone music #Euphone #experimentalmusicalinstrument #crystal #crystalbaschet #cristalbaschet #glass #glassinstrument #anderseninstruments #euphone #justintonation #soundhealingtherapy #soundhealing #chladni #glassharp #dronemusic #acousticdronemusic #oddinstruments #soundsculptures #soundsculpture #ambient #ambientmusic #rareandstrangeinstruments #singingbowl #overtones #overtoneseries #harmonicseries
Headphones or speakers recommended. Binaural / monaural beats are a type of auditory illusion. Two different pitches are played together to create a beating effect. The greater the difference in the two pitches the faster the beating. These four examples correspond to the brainwaves delta, theta, alpha and beta #Euphone #experimentalmusicalinstrument #crystal #crystalbaschet #cristalbaschet #glass #glassinstrument #anderseninstruments #euphone #justintonation #soundhealingtherapy #soundhealing #chladni #glassharp #dronemusic #acousticdronemusic #oddinstruments #soundsculptures #soundsculpture #ambient #ambientmusic #soundart #binauralbeats #binaural #deltawaves #thetawaves
Headphones or speakers recommended. Acoustic drone music #Euphone #experimentalmusicalinstrument #crystal #crystalbaschet #cristalbaschet #glass #glassinstrument #anderseninstruments #euphone #justintonation #soundhealingtherapy #soundhealing #chladni #glassharp #dronemusic #acousticdronemusic #oddinstruments #soundsculptures #soundsculpture #ambient #ambientmusic #rareandstrangeinstruments #singingbowl
Série de padrões da natureza reproduzidos através da Cimática.
Slides 1 a 10:
1- Tartaruga;
2- Onça pintada;
3- Estrela do mar;
4- Trilobite (artrópode);
5- Floco de gelo;
6- Acanthophracta (protozoário);
7- Seção transversal de DNA;
8- Diatomácea "Arachnoidiscus";
9- Diatomácea "Cheloniodiscus ananinensis";
10- Diatomácea "Vollacerta hortonil".
#GeometriaSagrada #SacredGeometry #LinguagemDaLuz #PadrãoDaCriação #Cimatica #Cymatics #Kymatica #Chladni #Natureza #Vibração #Musica #Frequência #Vida #Harmonia #Biologia #Ciencia #Espiritualidade #CienciaEspiritual #Metafisica #Morfogenesis #Universo #SeresVivos #Cosmos #Universo #ConhecimentoAncestral
Demo for 24-hour drone. Headphones or speakers recommended. Basilica Hudson and Le Guess Who? Present:
Saturday, April 27 - Sunday, April 28, 2019
#Euphone #experimentalmusicalinstrument #crystal #crystalbaschet #cristalbaschet #glass #glassinstrument #anderseninstruments #euphone #justintonation #soundhealingtherapy #soundhealing #chladni #glassharp #dronemusic #acousticdronemusic #oddinstruments #soundsculptures #soundsculpture #ambient #ambientmusic #soundart #binauralbeats #binaural #deltawaves #thetawaves
Euphone 31” h. (C3, G3, C4) headphones or speakers recommend. #Euphone #experimentalmusicalinstrument #crystal #crystalbaschet #cristalbaschet #glass #glassinstrument #anderseninstruments #euphone #justintonation #soundhealingtherapy #soundhealing #chladni #glassharp #dronemusic #acousticdronemusic #oddinstruments #soundsculptures #soundsculpture #ambient #ambientmusic #soundart #binauralbeats #binaural #deltawaves #thetawaves #monaural #monauralbeats #ombak #gamelan #singingbowl