lucifer chloedecker deckerstar lucifermorningstar luciferseason4 laurengerman tomellis luciferonnetflix lucifans lucifersaved amenadiel mazikeen ellalopez netflix devil aimeegarcia dbwoodside decker lesleyannbrandt lucifamily luciferedit lucifernetflix morningstar angel inbarlavi mazikeensmith danespinoza demon detective lucifans
— she's coming back in less than 12 hours!!!
ac: xthvnders
cc: pvtsch
song: arizona zervas - homies
[ #omgpage #omledit ]
[ #maze #mazikeen #mazeedit #deckerstar #chloedecker #luciferonnetflix #lucifer #lucifermorningstar #luciferedit #lucifermorningstaredit #chloedeckeredit #deckerstaredit #ellalopezedit #chlaze ]
Soo .. that’s our devil this season.. I’m scared .. a bit. But not only of his looks, it’s because of Chloe as well... I mean she saw his devil face and I can imagine how difficult it is to comprehend everything... and when she sees him like this? I think it could shook her for a moment .. even though we all know that the love she feels for him could conquer everything! #lucifer #luciferseason4 #luciferonnetflix #lucifamily #lucifans #chloedecker #lucifermorningstar #drlinda #drlindamartin #lindamartin #amenadiel #danespinoza #detectivedouche #deckerstar #douchifer #mazikeen #mazikeensmith #maze #ellalopez #tomellis #laurengerman #kevinalejandro #aimeegarcia #rachaelharris #lesleyannbrandt #dbwoodside #inbarlavi #eve #allabouteve
S4 SPOILERS! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Crying is my hobby after this season... ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
#lucifer #deckerstar #lucifermorningstar #chloedecker #tomellis #laurengerman #mazikeen #lindamartin #ellalopez #deckerstaredit #luciferseason4 #luciferseason3 #luciferseason2 #luciferseason1 #luciferonnetflix #lucifersaved #savelucifer #lucifan #luciferedit #tomellisedit #luciferseason5