chordata animalia mammalia animal nature squamata reptilia biologia aves naturephotography vertebrata wildlife animallover animals vidacicloda vidaselvagem wild carnivoros felidae reptilesofinstagram biology panthera pantherinae wildlifephotography zoology animalphotography bird carnivora exoticpets fauna serpentes
A juicy wormie for my beautiful Neptune
Neptune (High Xanthephore Wild)
#HighXanthophoreAxolotl #WildAxolotl #Axolotl #Axolotls #AxolotlsOfInstagram #WaterDogs #Nahuatl #MexicanSalamander #SalamandersOfInstagram #MexicanWalkingFish #NeotenicSalamander #TigerSalamander #WalkingFish #Salamander #Amphibian #Amphibians #AmphibiansOfInstagram #LakeXochimilco #MexicoCity #Animalia #Chordata #Amphibia #Urodela #Ambystomatidae #Ambystoma #AMexicanum #Aquarium #AquariumsOfInstagram
Perereca (Hypsiboas prasinus)
Burmeister's Treefrog
#animalia #chordata #amphibia #anura #hylidae #hylinae #hypsiboas #hypsiboasprasinus
#biodiversidade #conservacao #fauna #biodiversity #fotografiacientifica #brmacro #eunotg #flagradeumabiologa #bbcbrasil #destaque_natural #brwildanimals #earthcapture #respeiteminhanatureza #thewildlifebiologist #crbio04 #icmbio #victorchavesmachado
#Repost @hiimjoe88
I guess it’ll just be a week of drifters, as we’re having an influx anyways during car week in Monterey. This solitary pelagic salp was found in the kelp canopy off of middle reef, seemingly lost in the forest. #joeplatkophotography #ocean #salp #drifter #chordata #pacific #diving #uw #scuba #uwphoto #atomicaquatics #hollisdive #montereybay
It’s my banana @mccarthyswildlife #kinkajou#potosflavus#animalia#chordata#mammalia#carnivora#procyonidae#codythekinkajou#banana#animal#animallovers#animallover#wildlife#kinkajoulovers#explore#visit#visitmccarthyswildlife#tour#mccarthyswildlifesanctuary#mccarthyswildlifesanctuaty#mccarthyswildlife#mccarthyswildlifetiger#mccarthyswildlifereptiles#mccarthyswildlifesantuary#mccarthyswildlifereserve#mccarthyswildlifesancturary
Ambystoma mexicanum - This is the brown variation of the Axolotl. They have four pigmentation genes that create different color variants including the leucistic which is pink with black eyes.✨✨ #animalia #chordata #amphibia #urodela #ambystomatidae #ambystoma #ambystomamexicanum #axolotl #brownaxolotl #mexicanwalkingfish #salamander #amphibians #scientificillustration #science #scienceandart #digitalillustration #digitalart #art #criticallyendangered #mexicanspecies #xochimilco #lakexochimilco #dianafloresillustration
One of my absolute favorite venomous snake species out there an eyelash viper (B. schlegelii). They are arboreal snakes which means they spend their lives in palms & trees. Their colour varies ranging from red, yellow, brown, green or even pink with black or brown speckling (dependent on geo location). Their diet consits of small mammals, birds, lizards, frogs, rodents etc. -
#eyelashviper #venomous #exotic #snakesofig #chordata #bothriechis #schlegelii #pitviper #vipers #arboreal
Ovos de Sapo (Rhinella sp.)
Os #sapos do gênero Rhinella estão entre as maiores espécies de sapos do mundo. Popularmente no Brasil, são conhecidos como Sapo–Cururu, do Tupi “Kuru’ru” que significa sapo grande. Embora a maioria das fêmeas adultas da maior espécie do gênero (Rhinella marina) cresçam apenas cerca de 12 cm de comprimento (os machos são um pouco menores) algumas fêmeas chegam a medir mais de 20 cm.
Os ovos são depositados em um fio duplo dentro de uma longa e fina camada gelatinosa na forma de cordões. Normalmente, os cordões gelatinosos acabam enrolados em plantas e galhos nas águas rasas ou nas bordas. Dependendo da espécie, uma única ninhada pode conter mais de 30.000 ovos!
Egg Clutch of Toad in Strings
Toads of the genus Rhinella are among the largest species of #toads in the world. In English, they are popularly known as Cane-Toad because they have been used in pest control of sugarcane. Although most adult females of the largest species of the genus (Rhinella marina) grow only about 12 cm in length (males are slightly smaller) some females measure up to 20 cm.
The eggs are deposited in a double strand within a long, thin gelatinous layer in the form of strings. Typically, the egg-string ends up wound around grass and twigs in shallow water at the edge of the pool. Depending on the species a single "clutch" may contain more than 30,000 eggs!
#animalia #chordata #amphibia #anura #bufonidae #rhinella
#biodiversidade #conservacao #fauna #biodiversity #research #conservation #taxonomy #brmacro #eunotg #flagradeumabiologa #bbcbrasil #destaque_natural #thewildlifebiologist #crbio04 #icmbio #victorchavesmachado