clashofthetitans clashroyale clashofclans clashroyaledeck clashroyalememes clashroyales clashofclansaddict rayharryhausen clash attckontitans2 clashofclanshack clashroyalefans clashroyalefreegems clashroyalefunnymoments clashroyaleitalia gotitans clashroyaleclan clashroyalevideo film goodtimes medusa pubg teentitansgo teentitansstarfire titansfan titansurvival aboutlastnight afcon2019 clashroyalefrance forever cultmazda
▎↳ Gemma photographed at the British Independent Film Awards in London on the 4th of December 2016! ✨
Gemma’s pixie cut was iconic!
「 #GemmaArterton #Actress #QuantumOfSolace #JamesBond #HanselAndGretel #PrinceOfPersia #ClashOfTheTitans #StTrinians #TheirFinest #GemmaChristinaArterton #GemmaArtertonFan 」
▎↳ Promotional still of Adam Sandler as Nick Spitz and Gemma Arterton as Grace Ballard in ❛Murder Mystery❜, 2019! ✨
They look like they were just talking about you and then you walked in
「 #GemmaArterton #MurderMystery #Actress #QuantumOfSolace #JamesBond #HanselAndGretel #PrinceOfPersia #ClashOfTheTitans #StTrinians #TheirFinest #GemmaChristinaArterton #GemmaArtertonFan 」
▎↳ Gemma photographed at the premiere of ❛Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters❜ in Mexico on the 10th of January 2013! ❤️
「 #GemmaArterton #Actress #QuantumOfSolace #JamesBond #HanselAndGretel #PrinceOfPersia #ClashOfTheTitans #StTrinians #TheirFinest #GemmaChristinaArterton #GemmaArtertonFan 」
100 musketeer & 100 lava hound
. #clashofclans #clashroyale #clashroyalememes #clashroyaledeck #clashofclanshack #clashofthetitans #clashroyalefans #clashroyales #clashroyalefreegems #clashroyales #clashroyaleclan #clashroyaleitalia #clashofclans #clashroyale #clash #clashroyalefunnymoments#clashroyalevideo#clashroyale#clashroyale#clashroyale#clashofclans #clashofclansaddict #pubg #clashroyale #clashroyalememes#clashroyale #clashofclans #clashofclansaddict #clashroyaledeck #clashroyalefrance#clashroyale#clashroyale#clashroyale #clashofclans#clashroyale
▎↳ Gemma photographed at the EE British Academy Film Awards in London on the 10th of February 2013! ❤️
Gemma told me I’m gay in these photos LMAO
I LOVE this illusion dress! Also Gemma in the last photo is a large arse mood fsdjsksk
「 #GemmaArterton #MurderMystery #Actress #QuantumOfSolace #JamesBond #HanselAndGretel #PrinceOfPersia #ClashOfTheTitans #StTrinians #TheirFinest #GemmaChristinaArterton #GemmaArtertonFan 」
100 golem & 100 lava hound
. #clashofclans #clashroyale #clashroyalememes #clashroyaledeck #clashofclanshack #clashofthetitans #clashroyalefans #clashroyales #clashroyalefreegems #clashroyales #clashroyaleclan #clashroyaleitalia #clashofclans #clashroyale #clash #clashroyalefunnymoments#clashroyalevideo#clashroyale#clashroyale#clashroyale#clashofclans #clashofclansaddict #pubg #clashroyale #clashroyalememes#clashroyale #clashofclans #clashofclansaddict #clashroyaledeck #clashroyalefrance#clashroyale#clashroyale#clashroyale #clashofclans#clashroyale