clavesunidos loveva visitrichmond rvaevents community dancelove socialdance africanroots dogtown danceforlife balletbasics balletshoes itstheweekend afrocubanrumba allconnected feelfree globaldance rvafitness dance dogtowndancetheatre love rvadance africa communitywithin mardigrasrva positiveenergy afrocubanfolklore dancedance jointheparade hazecraze
African Roots Reunion workshop. So happy to share dance and space at my alma mater, VCU Dance, today. Thank you to the wonderful students and faculty for welcoming me. Y’all worked! And how ‘bout them #percussionists #clavesunidos #vcudance #ramclap ✊ #afromundial #global #africandance #diaspora #united #rhythms #mylife #dancelife #dance #love #givethanks