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Plastic pollution blights our environment and its future! We’re stepping up our sustainability efforts with the #BBOB initiative designed to tackle plastic pollution and also help empower the waste picker community. @rudhranirathore visited the nearest The Body Shop Store and as a part of the #BBOB initiative, she brought back her used, empty plastic bottles and tubs. Bring your empties back to help us recycle & repurpose for the benefit of this planet. Act now! It’s never too late. Go online to find your nearest store. *Selected #BBOB active stores only.
#repost @rudhranirathore
Almost everything we use or even touch is plastic. Even our drinking water comes in plastic. Are we doing anything about it ? NO ! Well for all the @thebodyshop product users here’s an opportunity to do a little bit by joining #bringbackourbottles campaign. Every time you go back to @thebodyshopindia to buy new products make a conscientious effort to bring back the empty bottles or even the bottles you thought you’d use but you don’t and put them in the recycling bin. All the bottles you give back will be recycled and rescued to package new products. It’s an effort to not add to the quantum of plastic we use so don’t be lazy, be a contributor and just bring the bottles back and do your bit. .
#bringbackourbottles #plastickills #plasticpollution #recycle #reuse #stopkillingtheplanet #plasticfreeforthesea #thebodyshop #thebodyshopindia #recycling #recyclingideas #change #reducewaste #reduceplasticwaste #jointhemovement #bethechange #spreadtheword #endplasticpollution #plasticfree #youcandoit #helpsavetheplanet #india #cleanindia #bbob
माता ने एक गुफा में प्रवेश कर नौ माह तक तपस्या की। भैरवनाथ भी उनके पीछे वहां तक आ गया। तब एक साधु ने भैरवनाथ से कहा कि तू जिसे एक कन्या समझ रहा है, वह आदिशक्ति जगदम्बा है। इसलिए उस महाशक्ति का पीछा छोड़ दे। भैरवनाथ साधु की बात नहीं मानी। तब माता गुफा की दूसरी ओर से मार्ग बनाकर बाहर निकल गईं। यह गुफा आज भी अर्धकुमारी या आदिकुमारी या गर्भजून के नाम से प्रसिद्ध है!
Credits @himalayanwanderer_
#portraitphotography #wanderlust #wanderer #instahimachal #jannatehimachal #jannatofhimachal #jammukashmir #cleanindia #swachhbharat #peaceofmind #naturephotography #naturelovers #chenabvalley
A backside that was worth cleaning up ⛰️
For the last 7 months, I've been blessed with the most spectacular views, over and over again and ever changing It's was often tough to not interrupt work to just stand there and stare ⛰️ Wonder if I'll be stalled the same way at our new place in Nepal
PS.: I have a whole bunch more
#nature #naturelover #landscape #photooftheday #photography #picoftheday #india #uttarakhand #kasardevi #sunset #clouds #moon #fire #season #amazing #beautiful #scenery #blessed #cleanindia #cleanupearth #love #earth #giveandtake #instadaily #compilation
'A Himalayan Mess'
"Awareness Alert"
Indians are getting adventurous, slowly sliding up the pyramid, but at what cost With rapid commercialisation and the tourist onslaught (population crisis' tryst with human curiosity to travel) , we could do our bit in keeping the Mountains clean.
If the Mountains are calling, WE MUST KEEP THEM CLEAN, so that their call never fades for generations to come
That 'Khaye, piye aur khiske' wala attitude needs to be written off for many a previleged ones!
Let us pledge not to destroy beautiful rural settlements tucked amidst nature with our urban garbage.
Plastic, shite, glass, metal and every form of waste should be responsibly disposed off!! how? Is open for all you bright minds to decide!
#ridingrootsadventure #ridingroots #nature #india #wastewarriors #cleanindia #dontlitter #noplastic #saynotoplastic #zerowaste #undpindia #sustainabletravel #himachal #cleanhimachal #cleanhimalayas #clean #royalenfieldreposts #royalenfieldindia #traveller #solotravel #solotraveler #grouptravel #mountains #mountainlake #trekking #camping #ecofriendly #ecotourism
HELMET We all know why it is important, and all that shit.
Do you know the actual meaning of Helmet?
Acc to definition The word helmet is diminutive from helm,
a medieval word for protective combat headgear. Yes, it
protects head from Injuries.
So in my today's post, I am exactly depicting what we all
should do not for Government Rules, not because it is
mandatory, but for our own selves.
In my overall medical understanding, I know one thing for
sure, which I think everyone should know, all our body parts
can be transplanted, except human brain. And Human brain
is the Most Important organ in our entire body, due to which
our body functions and we do what we do.
Ek baar brain damage ho Gaya, then finish, no fashion, no
fun, no life, nothing. It can't be reversed. My only one say is if
it is so critical, why take chances with it. Better wear a
Helmet and Save yourself for your own and for your Family
Remember, there's always someone waiting for you to come
back home.
Being influencer , I want to create an
awareness and importance of using Helmets while you
Be safe and keep others safe around you!
In frame & concept by :- @thevinisingh
Supporting cast @theversatileman_
#helmet #life #responsibility #pune #mumbai
#fashion #helmets #indian #fashionpolice
#socialresponsibility #socialcause #fashionblogger
#indiapictures #storiesofindia #indianphotos
#desi_diaries #mangofolk #everydayindia
#maibhisadakchap #indiaclicks #travelrealindia
#spicollective #nustaharamkhor
#photographers_of_india #indianphotography
#yourshotphotographer #incredibleindia #_soimumbai
Extremely grateful and honoured to announce one of the biggest and most important responsibilities given to me Under #swachhbharatmission by Rajkot Municipal Corporation by appointing me as a BRAND AMBASSADOR FOR SWACHH RAJKOT MISSION! Thank you for selecting me for such a big responsibility, hereby I promise to be dedicated and try my best to fulfill all the duties! #rjaabha #brandambassador #swatchrajkot #rajkot #rmc #cleanindia #cleancity #clean #gujarat #rajkotmunicipalcorporation #banchhanidhi_pani_rajkot_muncipal_commissioner_