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1. Once Upon a time In Hollywood
2. Django Unchained
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The Secret Invasion is “vaguely parallel” to Rick's World War II epic, Tarantino says on the Pure Cinema Podcast; Gunman's Walk was used as a “jumping off point” for Tanner, and Operazione Dyn-o-mite! is based on the Italian spy film Moving Target, directed by Sergio Corbucci. Gunman's Walk will also be featured on 'The Swinging Sixties' – a series of 10 films curated by Tarantino that will premiere on Sony Movie Channel from July 21-25, and include a first look at scenes from OUATIH. “I’m thrilled to host these movies so we can enjoy them together,” Tarantino said. More info at deadline.com.
Cliff Booth investigating strange goings-on at the Spahn Movie Ranch. Photo from Screen Crush – first seen in Empire's July issue. The Alamo Drafthouse theater chain has also announced a series of 35mm screenings of OUATIH in 19 venues across the U.S. (full list at slashfilm.com), while five lucky theaters around North America will screen the film in 70mm (see screencrush.com for more info).
“With the three characters that these actors are representing, I'm looking at Hollywood through a social strata,” Tarantino says. “And each character represents somebody on a different level. You have Rick, who had his day, and he's still having his day. It's just not as good as it was. [Sharon] is enjoying the high life, she's enjoying being at the center of the zeitgeist. And then Cliff represents these people who've worked in the entertainment business their whole life and really almost have nothing to show for it.” – from the Facebook Q&A.
New look at Leonardo DiCaprio as Rick Dalton & Margot Robbie as Sharon Tate in #OnceUponATimeInHollywood. Since DiCaprio's character is a 1950s Western actor, his turtlenecks and leather jackets were “browns, oranges and mustards,” costume designer Arianne Phillips tells @hollywoodreporter, while Pitt was clad in Hawaiian shirts, aviators and “denim, part of the 1960s youth culture.” Both Phillips and Tarantino were enamored of the Ossie Clarke snakeskin coat that Sharon Tate wore to the 1968 premiere of Rosemary’s Baby, and had it remade for the film.