climatejustice climatechange extinctionrebellion fridaysforfuture climatestrike gretathunberg climateaction environment globalwarming savetheplanet climate climatechangeisreal noplanetb sustainability internationalrebellion ecofriendly london renewableenergy renewables saveourplanet youthstrike4climate climateactionnow climateemergency earth protest rebelforlife renewable climatestrikes gogreen humansofxr climatechangeisreal
Where do movements begin?
The internet is an incredible tool for change. However niche your interests are, you can find a like-minded community online.
But along the way, we’ve become blinded by its power and turned it into a numbers game.
How many times have you looked at a competitor and felt disappointed, maybe even a little jealous, that they’ve got more followers than you?
When we think of movements, we think of marches in the street with thousands of activists carrying placards. Or we think of petitions that get over 6 million signatures. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
But every movement has to start somewhere…
For @where_does_it_come and me, it began with an idea for a more ethical awards programme for changemakers, which doesn't cost anything to enter and doesn't rely on hiring an expensive PR agency to put together a winning entry.
The Be The Change Awards was born, and when we went live at the end of 2018, over 160 changemakers from around the world came forward to tell their stories. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Since announcing the finalists last month, we’ve already reached over 12,200 people and made it into the press worldwide, from the UK to Jakarta to Australia! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
And we’ve ‘only’ got 250 Facebook fans.
So the next time you look at the numbers and feel your heart sink a little, try to think instead about the people behind the pixels.
Every single follower has chosen to be part of your movement. Which means they believe in you and your mission. They want to see your vision for change come to life.
Instead of chasing bigger numbers, chase bigger connections. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
That’s how I built #EthicalHour to an audience of 55,000 people, one connection at a time, over the past 3 years.
It’s how I help my clients make sales and create change with audiences as small as 150 people. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
And it’s why I know the Be The Change Awards are the start of a world-changing movement.
Great movements begin with a series of small connections brought together. @spreadpeaceusa - original photo by @meganjedlinski
A tiny grain but a huge impact. •
Let’s not turn earth into one giant landfill
- Repair what can be fixed
- Refuse items that you don’t need
- Reduce those you do ⬛️ —◾️
- Reuse what you can
- Recycle what’s left ♻️
- Rot (compost) everything else
Check out our page
Credit: @worldeconomicforum
#agriculture #food #innovation #society #environment #savetheplanet #climatestrike #strikeforclimate #leafico #climatecrisis #youth4climate #climatestrike #FridaysForFuture #environment #noplanetb #climatejustice #gretathunberg #planetearth #globalwarming
This (belated) Earth Day, we are shifting the climate dialogue away from individual solutions towards collective action and organizing. Shaming individual environmental habits is a form of victim-blaming and rooted in historic classism & racism. We need to start talking boldly and loudly about how climate change is a systemic problem that requires systemic solutions:
*As a movement, we must stop shaming and instructing people on their personal environmental habits. The vast majority of people did not create the structures and systems that caused climate change and should not be blamed for it.
*You can live as personally green as you want and it won’t stop the oil & gas industry and other corporations from continuing to create and profit off of climate destruction.
*The people who benefit the most from us pointing the finger at each other and demanding individualized climate & consumer “solutions” are the corporations that are making money off of climate change in the first place.
*We cannot stop the climate crisis without calling for widespread sweeping changes that address the roots of the climate crisis: capitalism, corporate greed, environmental racism, consumerism, imperialism, and colonialism.
At the same time, we know how important it is to seed hope in this movement and to continue taking action even in the face of a problem that feels monumentally large. We know that the oil & gas industry and corporations that profit off of climate change are terrified of us coming together and rising up, but that’s exactly what we need to do. People in power won’t change things until we demand it of them. The next time you’re feeling hopeless about the climate crisis, we encourage you to remind yourself why you care - what you love about this earth, who you love on this earth, & what or who you’re fighting for. In the coming weeks, we will be posting about steps & actions you can take to enact system change on climate.
: @alettabrady .
#climatechange #climatejustice #ej #environmentaljustice #organizing #colonialism #imperialism #liberation #systemchange #collectivism #movementbuilding #greatoutdoors #youngpeople #waterislife #earthday
Unsere Zukunft stirbt.
Deshalb streiken wir Morgen (26.04.) wieder. Diesmal um 14 Uhr am Altstädter Kirchplatz.
An diesem Tag würden wir auch gerne eine Aktion wie Ihr sie im Video sehen könnt mit allen von Euch, die möchten, vorbereiten und dann mal mit ganz vielen Menschen testen.
Damit wir an diesem Tag super viele werden erzählt allen, die Euch einfallen, dass wir am Freitag demonstrieren und motiviert sie mitzukommen!
Fettes Danke an die Jungs von @teamxy4 fürs Video produzieren: D A N K E IHR SEID SUPER
Rechte: "Scott Buckley - Snowfall" is under a Creative Commons license Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) Music promoted by BreakingCopyright:
#ffffordert #fridaysforfuture #ourfuture #savetheearth #gretathunberg #actnow #climastrike #climatejustice
Special Thanks to @d_einengel ————————————————————#fridaysforfuture#fff#savetheworld#eneuerbareenergien#scheisskohle#savetheplanet#thereisnoplanetb #fff #fridaysforfuture #fridays #openyoureyes #savetheplanet #klimawandel #klimakrise #klimaschutz #klimawandelstoppen #stoptheclimatechange #climatechange #stoptheclimatechange #stop #climate #klimastreik #climatejustice #climatechangeisreal #memes
I would like to take a moment to imagine.. and feel hopeful. Over these last few months a lot has been achieved. We still have a long way to go - but we are making progress. This beautiful sign found on the Instagram of: #Repost @lucyataylor with @get_repost
Can you imagine...let’s, actually, let’s actually do it! #standup #climateemergency #climatejustice #extinctionrebellion #fridaysforfuture ⠀
#climatestrike ⠀
#youthclimatestrike ⠀
#climatejusticenow ⠀
#endecocide ⠀
#missionlifeforce ⠀
#systemchangenotclimatechange ⠀
#protectourplanet ⠀
#protectouroceans ⠀
#ipccreport2018 ⠀
#carolinelucas ⠀
#ourchildrensfuture ⠀
Special Thanks to @d_einengel ————————————————————#fridaysforfuture#fff#savetheworld#eneuerbareenergien#scheisskohle#savetheplanet#thereisnoplanetb #fff #fridaysforfuture #fridays #openyoureyes #savetheplanet #klimawandel #klimakrise #klimaschutz #klimawandelstoppen #stoptheclimatechange #climatechange #stoptheclimatechange #stop #climate #klimastreik #climatejustice #climatechangeisreal #memes