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✨Overlap crop top✨
Available Color/s: ✓Navyblue; ✓Maroon
‼️‼️Now for Php 100‼️‼️
Before: Php 150
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⚠️All items are ONHAND
Meet-up: parkmall/j centre/ayala/SM
Cebu based
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Brand new
Mara Coordinates
Php 399 ▪️ Size: Free size ~ fits from small to semi large ▪️ Fabric: Neoprene
Helping tags: #bagsph #designerbagph #designerbag #coachbag #cheapbag #bagph #coach #slingbag #shoulderbag #leatherbag #clothesph #clothesdvo #clothescebu #clothesmnl #manilabased #cebubased #brandnewph #prelovedph #thriftedph #ukayph #dvocase #iphonecase #androidcase #casedesign #bikiniph #bikini #twopiece #onepiece #summerclothes #jlpavailable