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Figured I’ll share this unfinished perfection w/ you loves to remind you to fall in love w/ the process of becoming whom you’re meant to be ✨
Quote from a book I am currently reading
~ The Forty Rules of Love ~ by Elif Shafak “[ ... ] [ ] is busy with the completion of your work, both outwardly and inwardly. [ ... ] [ It ] is fully occupied with you. Every human being that is slowly but inexorably moving towards perfection. We are each an unfinished work of art both waiting and striving to be completed. [ ... ] [ The universe ] deals with each of us separately because humanity is a fine art of skilled penmanship for the entire picture.” You are love in its purest form. I love you. You love you. You love me. Thanks for loving yourself and thus making this realm a place filled w/ positive vibes and energy.
#belove #staythirsty .
PS: Granola from @motionfitnessbali / @motioncafe + Cashewbutter from @balibuda + Papaya from me beloved mama thx mama for making me glow from the inside out #notsponsored lol
So proud of our big man! Marcello has taught and coached at MMR for 33 years. Last night was his final athletic banquet The outpouring of love & appreciation from former & current students & colleagues was super emotional and highly deserving. I’m so happy our kids got to see a glimpse of the impact their dad has made on so many lives. Happy retirement Champ!
#mmrathletics #robinsonrams #thechamp #campyretires #coachforlife #hdsb #proudfamily
You will not find advice here ⠀
I do not give advice to my clients. I ask them questions and they find answers by themselves ⠀
This strategy is much more effective then giving an answer.⠀
How does this work?⠀
When giving advise we do this considering our personal experience. The point is that the client has absolutely different life situation. Whatever worked for us might not work for the others.⠀
If you think about a fitness coach - he or she never exercises instead of the client. Even though they might do it better. They teach their clients, work on their technique. Only doing this the client can progress.⠀
Life coaching is the same. You need find answers by yourself. But I’ll guide you.⠀
Quantas vezes você diz “Não” aos seus filhos , parentes , amigos ou funcionários?
Já parou para imaginar o quanto destrutivo para as crianças pode surtir essa negativa ? Adultos hoje inseguros , com crenças de não merecimento. Foram crianças negativadas no passado. .
O mundo já tem críticos demais , que tal sugestões ? Novas ideias ? Pode ser transformador !!
#coachforkids #coachforlife #coachingbrasil #febracissp #febracis #motivacao #positividade #kidsbrasil #vivanotopo #pracima #gerenteminuto #aboasorte
E assim terminamos nosso dia fantástico. Com a conclusão da minha 1* Turma do Curso Poder e Alta Performance no Guarujá.
Muitos aprendizados estar com pessoas sensacionais e que me surpreenderam muito com a sua desenvoltura e dedicação com a nossa imersão e no decorrer deste dia. Começamos as 9h e finalizamos próximo das 17:30 com muitas lições e novas conexões , obrigada turma pela presença e pela confiança !! @vanessarochadacostaferreir @silva.daguia @alysonbarreto_s @niviofarinhas @elianepaulamakeup
@naynovoa @biancarenataferreira #cursopoderealtaperformance #febracissp #vivanotopo #tempoderquemage #sabinaattilicoach #coachforlife #coachguaruja
Com o tempo você vai percebendo que, para ser feliz, você precisa aprender a gostar de você, a cuidar de você e principalmente, a gostar de quem também gosta de você! ❤️☺️
Se ame mais!!! Seja mais gentil com você !!! Cuide de você com todo o amor e carinho!!!
#coaching #coachingdevida #coachforlife #coachingqualidadedevida #amorproprio #sejafeliz #vocepodemais #vocepodemuitomais ☘️❤️
Make linda que eu amo da @lurigueiraretro