codesofah transcendentalrebirthing futuring leadership sacredgeometry meditation love rawnestliving sacredfeminine futuringnow hawp bachflowers lifestyle contribution keepmovingforward amta brilliantfutures entrepreneur mastery powerofnow consciousness discipline earth life thegreatwork2_0 faithinmotion
“This place is a dream. Only a sleeper considers it real. Then death comes like dawn, and you wake up laughing at what you thought was your grief.” Rumi
On life
A majestic opportunity
to surrender to the divine plan
To trust
To welcome the benevolent new
To breathe in possibility
And to take actions to meet with the probabilities and inevitabilities
A journey to allow
To feel the blessings and be the blessing
To realize that there is beauty everywhere
Even in the places that we may not even think we could find ourselves in... and where we discover deeper treasures of love and peace within
Feeling so grateful for a very awakening and transformative weekend, humbled by the power of life and READY! to start and give my all to a new week .
Feeling the incredible magic and potency ahead in support of us all as a WE
Happy Monday dear ones blessed now
Pa: swipe left to see some more images that share brief highlights of a weekend of great work, expansion. Life work and future design to serve in a better form the whole
Beso .
#awakening #embodiment #monday #mondaymotivation #love #futuring #mena #transcendentalrebirthing #codesofah #nhe #sheeplesslife #delaflorteachings #dti #blessed #now
Me siento muy emocionada y quiero compartir contigo la razón de mi emoción. ¡¡Hoy voy a guiar mi primera sesión de Renacimiento Trascendental como TR trainer!!
El Código que les comparto es el de Renacimiento Trascendental; además en MENA 2019 en el mes dos enseñaré por primera vez Geometría Sagrada y los Códigos de AH, ya que estoy completando mi certificación en Geometría Sagrada con Códigos de AH avalada por Delaflor Teachings.
Una noticia que me emociona más es que por tiempo limitado, se abre la oportunidad de adquirir tu Código de AH personalizado que incluye una sesión de 30 minutos con Ivonne Delaflor para activar el código. Esta oportunidad se ofrece únicamente para 12 personas.
La inversión para la creación de un código personalizado es de 1,111 dólares, ahora está la oportunidad solo para Latinoamérica por tiempo limitado a un precio especial de 528 dólares.
La creación del Código lleva aproximadamente 3 meses si te interesa adquirirlo mándame un mensaje privado.
En amor y respeto
Rebeca Montero
#sacredgeometry #codesofah #tr #transcendentalrebirthing #nextlevel #latinoamerica
When you aren’t feeling yourself,
you will say and do things that you don’t usually do.
The things you say and
Things you do
Repel what you’re deserving and attracting
Cleanse yourself,
of yourself
Return to your home frequency✨
And let your soul shine, no “middlemen frequencies” needed.
Dm me to schedule an energy cleanse so you can refocus, feel like yourself again, and actually ACT directly from your Heart✨
(C) Heartintention
#lightworker #energyhealing #codesofAh #heartintention #homefrequency #beyourself #trustyourself #goodvibes #getgoodvibes #changeyourvibration #lawoffrequency #universallaws #loveistheanswer #heartchakra #soulhealing #soulbody
When you love the small steps, Don’t sweat the small stuf & fall in love with the process itself; results are experienced immediately in the ever present moment of the abundant now itself .
Earn the right to the big by paying detailed attention to the small .
Earn the right to the results, by holding a committed focus on the goal at the service of God & the greater good
“Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step”. Lao Tzu
Dear ones;
I’ll be doing a livestream this coming Thursday at 6:15 pm PST to announce the dates and opening doors for the CONVERGENCE INNER CIRCLE (monthly membership) which begins the first week of May
I will be sharing:
1.The elements that will take us through this process .
2.The privileges the members will have .
& .
3.I will share with you the WHY this was created as an offering and the directions I took from the intelligent mind/field ( the marketing world now calls it “downloads”), to deliver and do such offering now .
“Be not afraid of growing slowly; be just afraid of standing still” Chinese Proverb
I’ll see those of you who resonate with this tomorrow .
I honor you and us all,
Yes all
Thank You for the contribution you give/do and are to our world
Ivonne Delaflor
Mentor, teacher, rebirther, futurist.
Committed to Sustainable Human Transformation .
#CICMM #convergence .
#live #livestream #membership #futuring #transcendentalrebirthing #offering #duty #soulwork #ascended #living #commitment #responsibility #mind #body #spirit #codesofah #meditation
#CICMM #convergence
Surround yourself with the similar frequency as you. Aim higher and choose to resonate higher.
It may be a hard fact to swallow but you will keep repeating the same scenarios until you choose differently.
And until you consistently choose the best option, you will continue to walk your karma
#universallaws #lawofkarma #lawofcauseandeffect #hermes #surroundyourselfwithgoodpeople #healinglight #quantumphysics #quantumhealing #codesofah #energyhealing #lightworker #frequency #lawoffrequency #frequencyresonance
6 meses
6 Maestros
Mayor claridad
Herencia de vida
Misiones en Acción
15 de Mayo del 2019
Para inscripciones y no perder tu lugar, Contacta a @monterorebe
#love #mastery #focus #disciplina #leadership #tusiguientenivel #mentor #entrepreneur #entrepreneurlife #latinosconscientes #latinosdespiertos #evolucion #mision #vision #proposito #mena2019 #misionesenaccion #codesofah
“May the gratitude in my heart, kiss all the universe” Hafiz
“Que la gratitud de mi corazón bese a todo el universo”
Heart full of love
Thank you
Con el corazón lleno de amor
#gratitude #innerpeace #stillness #serenity #contemplation #appreciatiin #infinite #love #invisibility #invincibility #innerpeace #loa #dti #transcendentalrebirthing #futuringnow #tea #codesofah #sacredgeometry #faith #ulms #moksha #convergence #lifestyle #meditation #life
This is no fancy photography .
But oh do I have my heart fully open as I completed the final touches of this Code which
is truly one of the most beautiful sacred geometry designs I’ve been requested to create
May 2016 is when I began designing new series of Sacred Geometry Art Mandalas. This one began to be created 5/1/16 and now is ready to be handed to the teacher that will be using this meditative tool to serve his students expand their ever growing and evolutionary consciousness
This design is Encoded cryptically with specific Keys of Enoch that seemed timeless when it comes to human ascension and collective evolution
I am so glad that this Code will be in the hands and energetic field of a human being committed to keep elevating the frequency of what being human truly means in business, spirituality and the path of the one .
Plus I’m so grateful to be able to CREATE art, color vibration, and geometry are a passion of mine, and using technology to bring these to life, feels not only familiar but also a moral responsibility that my soul as a sacred contract may have
If you are curious of my sacred geometry art work, or would like to explore with me the possibility of designing your own personalized code or codes, feel free to PM me and we can enter the journey of exploration to see what sacred spirit desires to create through us
Happy Monday beloved ones
Blessed now
“He took up his parable and said -Enoch a righteous man, whose eyes were opened by God, saw the vision of the Holy One in the heavens, which the angels showed me, and from them I heard everything, and from them I understood as I saw, but not for this generation, but for a remote one which is for to come”. . (Enoch 1:1-3) .
#sacredgeometry #sriyantra #pyramid #sequence #144000hertz #remotefuture #remoteviewing #keysofenoch #art #mandalas #ai #awakenedintelligence #contribution #flow #dna #life #CodesOfAH