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(Werbung wegen Markennennung / Ad) .
Was ich so mit meinen Semesterferien machen?
Im Moment spiele ich hauptsächlich CoD ww2, weil ich das Spiel erst seit kurzem habe
Ich steigere mich übrigens langsam, obwohl ich immer noch sehr, sehr schlecht spiele ♀️ Aber macht nichts. Es geht nicht ums gewinnen, sondern um den Spaß am Spielen finde ich und den habe ich
What do I do with my semester break?
At the moment I mainly play CoD ww2 because I've just started the game.
I get better in it, although I still play very, very bad ♀️But it does not matter. It's not about winning, but about the fun of playing I think and I have a lot of fun while playing
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533m headshot with the ROSS RIFLE MK III
I’m loving this weapon, what are your thoughts on it let me know
follow for more~ synfullxb
- SYN • for 15% of at @forevergrips
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-Up Close & Personal-
Vid cred: @alsoknownaka
Game: Battlefield V
A Tribute to Battlefield Fans
#battlefield #bfv #bf4 #codww2 #halo5 #pubgmobile #destiny2 #r6s #battlefront #hardline #gtav #fun #videogame #onlyonbattlefield #soldier #flight #picoftheday #multiplayer #gaminglife #ptfoorgtfo #xbox #ps4 #gamerguy #litaf #twitchstreamer #love #youtube #fortnite #sunsetsniper #multikill
Where the battle never ends!
Battlefield TV
Vid cred: @alsoknownaka
Game: Battlefield V Firestorm Montage
A Tribute to Battlefield Fans
#battlefield #bfv #bf4 #codww2 #firestorm #pubgmobile #destiny2 #r6s #battlefront #hardline #gtav #fun #videogame #onlyonbattlefield #soldier #flight #picoftheday #multiplayer #gaminglife #ptfoorgtfo #xbox #ps4 #gamerguy #litaf #twitchstreamer #love #youtube #fortnite #sunsetsniper #multikill
Where the battle never ends!
Battlefield TV
He tried...
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-(Türkçe):Nazi işgali veya kontrolü altındaki bölgeler,1942.
-(English):Areas under Nazi occupation and control, 1942.
*Daha fazlası için.
*For more.
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