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Бывают вещи, которые невозможно описать словами. Но фотографии могут передать частичку красоты и эмоции, которые мы испытываем, притрагиваясь к природе. Каждый уголок земли таит в себе волшебное и таинственное чувство. ❤️Берегите природу, заботьтесь о ее обитателях, также, как это делает природоохранный фонд Notivory Животные и природа - вот что восторгает души и делает нас намного счастливее#notivory ph @katmuzis
There are things that cannot be described in words. But photos can convey a piece of beauty and emotions that we experience when we touch nature. Every corner of the earth is fraught with a magical and mysterious feeling. Take care of nature, take care of its inhabitants, as well as the nature protection Animals and nature - that’s what delights the soul and makes us a little happier #notivory#kidsfashionmodel#prоfmоdelрr#nymmkids#instakidsfashion#instakidsmodel#kidmodelsearch#kidsmodel#modelkids#childmodel#instakids#kids#kidsofinstagram#kidsfashionista#spottedmfm#spottedcmm#rebelkidsmag#vogueitalia#voguekids#sandcastle_mag#commercialkids#
I’m always up for a new adventure! ♀️
Especially when I have stylish and comfy clothes like this outfit from @flapdoodle
Let the games begin!
What outdoor activity do you like to do?
Leave a comment below
Kate Thomas Photography .
#flapdoodles #instakids #outdoorfun #kidfun #kidsinger #childsinger #kidactor #instakids #modelkids #girlsfashion #childstar #childactor #tvkids #commercialkids #kidmodel #industrykid #actorslife #kid #kids #kidstyle #kidsfashion #kidz #modellife #singer #modeling #sampioofficial #bartlettcartertalent #zurimodelandtalent #CESD
Helllllo Wednesday!!
Self tape ☺️☺️❤️❤️
“Live life for the moment because everything else is uncertain!” @kidsmodelofficial @sugar__kids @sandcastle_mag @torontocasting ——————————————————————-#castme #kidsvideo #bestvideo #coolvideo #instavideo #commercialprint #kidactor #instavideos #commercialkids #kidactor #instaactor #kidsactor #igdaily #kidstalent #castingdirector #commercial #kidtalent #tvcommercial #castingtalent #younghollywood #selftape #characteractor #improv #impro #skit #castingcall #youngtalent #youtubekids #childactor #childactress
Reposted from @bebe_nadine
With Kak @mfmirafilzah on set
#kidsmodelmalaysia #kidsrunway #modelcilik #modelkanakkanak #fashionkids #fashionkidsmalaysia #commercialkidsmalaysia #talentmalaysia #commercialkids #kidstalent #kidstalentmalaysia #pelakonkanakkanak #pelakoncilik #tvc #tvckidsmalaysia #100plus #mirafilzah
Throw back Thursday. My very first Tv show! I was very little
——————————————————#castme #kidsvideo #bestvideo #coolvideo #instavideo #commercialprint #kidactor #instavideos #commercialkids #kidactor #instaactor #kidsactor #igdaily #kidstalent #castingdirector #commercial #kidtalent #tvcommercial #castingtalent #younghollywood #selftape #characteractor #improv #cbckids #bookmenow #castingcall #youngtalent #youtubekids #childactor #childactress
“She believed she could, so she did” @authorrsgrey
R.S. Grey, Scoring Wilder -
When I was really little I dreamed about being on TV one day.
What do you dream about doing someday? Comment below -
Represented by: @msaagency
Headshots by: @tihanyiphoto
#msa #msafam #msakats #rsgrey #favoritequote #shebelievedshecouldsoshedid #commercialkid #thisis11 #tvkid #commercialkids #lakids #followme #onmyway #kidactor #kidactors #lakidactors #lakidactor
Happy International Day Of Pink!
Please watch the full clip to support anti bullying ❤️❤️
———————————————————#strikeapose #kidsvideo #awesomevideo #instavideo #commercialprint #videographer #instavideos #commercialkids #kidactor #instaactor #kidsactor #instatalent #kidstalent #castingdirector #commercial #kidtalent #tvcommercial #castingtalent #selftape #behindthescene #castingcall #myvideo #videooftheday #younghollywood #kidcasting #characteractor #behindthescene #scoutme #childactor
Happy Sunday everyone. If you like to laugh you will like this crazy improv. Please meet Sally the strawberry. double tap if you like and tag a friend or two to meet Sally the strawberry Life is short! Learn to have fun with everything and everyone and your life will be a fun and unforgettable! @torontocasting @castingcalls_ @anmlittles @supermodelcanada .
#kidscommercials #interesting #igvid #kidsvideo #myvideo #comedykid #myvideo #commercialprint #featurefilms #commercialshoot #castingcall #commercialkids #kidactor #walmartcommercial #improv #kidsactor #improvcomedy #monologue #commercialdirector #kidstalent #videooninstagram #castingdirector #commercials #monologues #featurefilm #kidgottalent #strawberry #tvcommercial #sillyvideos