consiouslyjoyful 365daysofjoychallenge2019 cfsrecovery 365daysofjoychallenge mecfs medicalmedium anthonywilliam celeryjuice risingstrong selfempower 365daysofjoychallenge2019
Day 139 - joy of beng connected. «Love is everywhere, I see it.
You are all that you can be, go on and be it» - John Denver. #consiouslyjoyful
Today was a good day in terms of feeling connectedness. I reached out to old and new friends. My old and new friends reached out to me. Both in text, video and audio messages, I communicated with friends in Oslo, St. Petersburg, Moskva, Paris, Ålesund, Tenerife, several towns in Sweden and England, reducing distances and overcoming borders, sharing life stories, losses and dreams, but also high vibes of connectedness.
When a couple of months ago I had to take a full sick leave from work to ensure my #cfsrecovery, I was shocked how alone I actually was after illusionary busyness of life faded away and basic everyday communications with colleagues and acquaintances around children vanished. That moment was an eye-opener showing me a part of life I’ve been missing being «busy» and living in illusion of connectedness. ♀️
For me, being “connected” means first of all being connected to my true self - the source of inner strength, peace, love and light. When in this state, I easily get connected to others with the similar energies for sharing and inspiration, or to those awaiting support and guidance that can be channeled through me to raise their vibes and help them to be who they are.
#What does «being connected» mean to you?
Repost from @tajseemakaur
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Day 59 - a joy of a celery juice. “Celery juice is an alkalizing, enzyme-rich, electrolyte-enhancing, liver-repairing, blood-sugar-balancing, antiseptic, strongly alkaline & anti-inflammatory drink.” (#anthonywilliam #medicalmedium )
Yes, I’ve been drinking a 100% fresh made #celeryjuice for three weeks now. Today’s joy is not about me loving its taste, but me recognizing the juice being an important part of my “get strong” morning routine. As a cold shower and morning yoga practice, this juice rejuvenates the body and the mind. It helps me to start a day on my terms, which has been challenging given a recent #cfs crash. Moreover, it helps me to believe I am in charge of my well-being and with some persistence, I will find my way through. So yes, I’ve experienced the juice’s reducing brain fatigue as well as its anti-inflammatory and energy sustaining effects. What I find most encouraging in drinking it first thing in the morning, is it’s empowering effect. Lots of joy in the ability to #selfempower
#365daysofjoychallenge2019 @medicalmedium #medicalmedium @celeryjuicebenefits #consiouslyjoyful What was your most remarkable conscious joy today?
Day 138 - a joy of recalling this image throughout the day #365daysofjoychallenge “You endure what is unbearable, and you bear it. That is all." — Cassandra Clare (Clockwork Princess).
This picture of my daughter brings me back into the moment in the spring, when I consciously manage to turn unbearable (pains, fatique, and hopelessness) into bearable. From that day on, I know that even if something feels so bad you think you cannot tolerate this anymore, if you are open to smallest positive vibes, something may happen that transforms a state of despair into joy, faith and love. You have also power to initiate this transformation by doing something simple such as making a wreath of flowers.
Today, my body was integrating the yesterday´s acupuncture treatment. Even though it felt like magic happening in the body, it was heavy to bear. By recalling this image of my daughter and knowledge I received that day, I managed to also recall that joy. I kept trusting and made it through the unbearable until again a simple unexpected joyful moment made it into bearable. Today it was an invitation to teach from my beautiful yogi friend @ceciliesamrita_aune
So I thought… Some cliché phrases like «leave past in the past, live in the now» are not 100 % accurate advice for all life situations. If recalled consciously, some past memories can help you to make best of the present like nothing else. They can also help to cleanse and to heal - in the now.
#consiouslyjoyful What was your most remarkable conscious joy today?
Day 133 - a joy of sharing cacao love with a friend #365daysofjoychallenge. “You see, I do believe in miracles. I, who have passed through fire. I do believe.” ― Joanne Harris, Chocolat
Today I needed a friend. I made some cacao and met with one. Recently, I’ve been using raw cacao as a medicine as it nutritious content helps me to physically recover from #mecfs, while its spirit assists in opening the heart and receiving divine guidance for healing. ♀️
After cacao, I usually meditate, chant or do other spiritual practices. Today, it was simply joyful to chat under influence of cacao. It is known as a heart-warming drink which truly assists in communicating from the heart while listening both inward and outward. With cacao, a chat with a friend has potential to be deeply healing.
#consiouslyjoyful Do you use cacao as medicine and if so how is it working for you?
Day 128 - a joy of a «mother-daughter day”. “May all mothers know that they are loved... And may all daughters know that they are worthy/ Beautiful/ Powerful”. - CIRCE OF WOMEN song.
I had a joy of spending a good summer day along with my daughter. She is big enough now to know the difference when relaxing solely into my aura and still little enough for the most enjoyable cuddle.
Inspired by my close friend, I started having days of me and one child. The kids are different and we are different when we are together. I believe it is important to be there for a child, only for him/her - together discovering what you both love, having conversations no one interrupts, and having our kind of fun.
Today’s mother-daughter joys: walk in a forest, playing at the beach, picnic with suchi in the garden, riding on my back
#consiouslyjoyful What was your most remarkable conscious joy today?
Day 137 - a joy of getting uplifted #365daysofjoychallenge. "Sometimes our light goes out, but is blown again into instant flame by an encounter with another human being." — Albert Schweitzer
Today, I had a joy of getting uplifted by a treatment from an unique Chinese doctor who is occasionally in Oslo. He does magic.
What impresses me is how casual and calm he is about the symptoms. I do not need to tell - he can see and feel energy blockages and interpret those in his way. With a long-term illness, it is easy to get obsessed with your pains, symptoms and scientific explanations of those and let those define you. I find it a relief in getting alternative perspectives on what is going on in the body, as it moves attention from getting stuck in disfunction to expanding consciousness for healing. This I find uplifting.
I also find uplifting meeting doctors, healers and other professionals who are humble, who share their gifts with devotion, sincerity and belief in patients´ inner wisdom. This opens my heart and increases vibrations of love.
Today’s bonus was in the doctor gently correcting my posture by pressing on two points - on the chin centre and the heart centre. This was literally was uplifting as it reminded my body how it used to be. Living with pains, but also simply having an office job with sitting by the screen all day long, makes your body gradually sink and get heavy. A simple conscious correction in the posture which everyone can do themselves, gives lightness and feeling of flying (or in case of swimmer lovers - swimming) like a butterfly. ❤️
Remember to daily lift yourself up - physically by correcting the posture; emotionally by feeling love, gratitude, joy; mentally by thinking positively and taking time to totally clear up your thoughts; and energetically by being in spaces that resonate with you or by simply clearing energies with burning sage.
#consiouslyjoyful What was your most remarkable conscious joy today? P.S. Phone from my zip-line experiance in july 2017.
Day 136 - a joy of dancing in the bed. “People like us we don't need that much just some one that starts the spark in our bonfire hearts”. James Blunt.
Today, I have empathized with the main character of Groundhog Day movie, Phil. I use to wake up and scan my body in hope #fatigue is totally gone and I just can jump out of the bed and go swimming. As in the movie, I often find myself being in the same place psychically, even though my mentality has expanded and my heart has never been this open. As in the movie, I try something new and go through a day making the best out of it.
Today “the new thing” was dancing in the bed with my daughter: nothing crazy - #cfsme friendly moves. But my happy playlist, laughing daughter and her joy of doing something new with me, was a delightful experience which made getting out of the bed with “this is gonna be the best day of my life attitude” easier.
So I thought... no matter how stuck you may feel in a life situation... by taking slow steps in a new direction, minding your ego and raising your consciousness, finding new meaning in life, practicing kindness to yourself and others and enjoying yourself where you are, you slowly but surely create a new reality which is ways better than anything you knew.
Have you experienced living “a Groundhog Dog day” all over again? I go and revisit the movie tonight
Day 125 - a joy of being met with love ❤️. «To know how to love someone, we have to understand them. To understand, we need to listen.» - Thich Nhat Hanh, How to Love
Back home to Oslo today. My husband and daughter met us from the train. This moment of reuniting with family and sensing love and joy is precious.
I have recently been thinking what it means for me to be met with love. We all have deferent capacities of expressing and receiving love depending on how open our heart center is, if we feel lovable and if we explore what giving and recieving love is in relation to different people.
Being met with love today, helped me to start putting some words on what makes me feel being met with love. Smiling eyes looking directly in mine. Good, long hug which isn’t given ritually, but rather from the heart. Mindful listening when I answer to “How have you been?”, showing the person cares to know. A surprising gesture like flowers, small gift or simply meeting directly at train/plain showing the person’s urge to meet as soon as possible. Laughing out loud enjoying being together. Empathy for feeling tired after travel and needing time to restitute. A special meal together to celebrate reunion...
Being met with love is one of the greatest joys of all, isn’t it? How is it for you?
#365daysofjoychallenge #consiouslyjoyful
Day 135 - a joy of “seeing a sun» #365daysofjoychallenge. “Forces beyond your control can take away everything you possess except one thing, your freedom to choose how you will respond to the situation.” ― Victor Frankl.
Today is Saturday. What do you use your energy for? Before I got #mecfs, I have rarely used weekends for rest and joyful activities. Weekends were usually days for other to-dos I did not have time to during a work week: cleaning the house, shopping, gardening or even extra working hours… Now when my energy levels are still low, I allow myself to choose what I WANT to use my energy for. I choose joy and rest, above all.
Today, it happened to be meeting an old friend I have not seen in five years. Meeting some people is like seeing the Sun after a storm. You feel you can relax your guards and just be around. You can embrace warmth without getting hurt. You can recharge without an effort. You can get playful just because of being shone on. You may not speak the same language, you may not speak at all - just being in their energy field is enough and is healing. Today, I had a joy of being in a company of such a sunny person.
I get that some practical things needs to be arranged, the house needs cleaning and shopping needs to be done. We may even feel we need to spend time in relationships and companies we, deeply inside, do not enjoy. This is not true - it is always a matter of choice! No matter how powerless you may feel, how religious you are about your to-do-list, you always have power to make choice. Choose filling your days with joy! At least, give yourself a taste of it among other things, you may feel you need to do or you may feel you cannot afford.
#consiouslyjoyful What was your conscious joy today?