Low in energy or battling fatigue?
Cordyceps mushroom is a great rejuvenating tonic that restores the deep energy that we expend through an excessive exertion of life’s activities, stressful circumstances and aging. It is used to enhance athletic performance, build physical power and endurance by increasing the efficiency of energy metabolism. Research has shown that Cordyceps increases energy output, oxygen utilisation, and resistance to fatigue. It can increase cellular energy, ATP (adenosine triphosphate) by 20-30%.
Cordyceps is a major Lung tonic that has the ability to strengthen respiratory power, increase oxygen utilisation, build muscle, and increase endurance and stamina. Consistent use helps to strengthen the skeletal structure, the lower back, the knees, and the ankles.
In Chinese medical theory, people suffering from lack of energy and fatigue is often classified as a Yin deficiency. Yin represents the material and fluid substance of the body. Yin nourishes many of the complex physiological processes in the body– the blood, hormones, and the lubrication of muscles, tissues, joints and more.
The Yin aspect is very important from the Chinese perspective, without Yin, energy cannot be received or contained in the body.
An overstimulation of the sympathetic nervous system or excessive Yang activity can cause burnout, exhaustion of the body’s systems and fast aging. In a low energy state, we often reach for more energising herbs (Yang tonics) thinking that if we’re tired we must need to boost our energy levels rather than supplement or replenish our draining Yin levels.
The best tonic for a Yin deficiency is not a mushroom or any herbal supplement, it’s arguably the most underrated "nutrient" in our society, sleep!
Sleep is the critical time when the body rests, recovers, and renews itself. Lack of sleep causes a whole host of physiological disruptions in the body, far worse than the annoyance and inconvenience of energy loss.
If your energy is low, before reaching for the pill bottle, try catching up on your sleep first. You’ll be amazed at how quickly your energy levels restore.⚡️
#enterthe36chambers !!! As a nod to the 35 chambers of conditioning, practice and development of #Shaolin ...
there were 35 gates or chambers one must pass to become a master warrior, the 36th Chamber popularized by the #WutangClan was the final way to bring the realized self to the world.
Here are 36 ways to improve & transform your life, take a quick look over these today, and see if there’s any areas you can improve on!
#selfimprovements can be daily goals, or periodic check ins whether
✨daily (a daily review)
✨weekly (a sabbath day)
✨monthly (cycles of the full moon or seasonal
✨seasonally (equinox)
✨annually (New Years resolutions, rituals or festivals)
Check in with those close whom you trust, and with someone a little further down the path like a healer about your progress!
There are many #tonicherbs and formulas which can assist you on your journey of self transformation!
Our favorite is #REISHI the mushroom of spiritual potency, known to increase wisdom and immortality... #Chaga #Goji #Ginseng #Cordyceps #Morinda #Polygala #Astragalus are a few others! •
At the #Tonicbar we have several #Elixirs which can help you immediately wherever you’re at!
#elixirbar #yxe #adaptogens #herbsforlongevity #longevity #wellness #rituals #healingtonics #herbalism #medicinalherbs #elixirs #tonics #superherbs #plantsmakepeoplehappy #elixirbar #tonicherbs #tonicherbalism #kungfu
Cordyceps fruiting bodies erupt from an ant, near Nkollo Bondé, South Province, Cameroon. Cordyceps fungi infect their host, then invade it and take control of their behaviour while eating the host from the inside out. Before the host is killed, the mind-controlling fungus makes the host climb high in the forest canopy and then lock onto a stem or leaf with its jaws. After the insect has died, the fungal fruiting bodies then sprout from the dead insect, raining spores down onto the ground. This high position allows the spores to cover a wider area, and improves the chances of infecting more insects.
: Bruce Webber (@webber.photography)
#cordyceps #ant #insect #zombie #nightmare #fungi #fungus #fungusamongus #mushrooms #mushroomhunting #mycophile #ascomycete #ascomycota #nature #ecology #biodiversity #rainforest #environment #fieldwork #science #scicomm #naturephotography #macro #macrophotography #natgeoyourshot #yourshotphotographer #cameroon #cameroun #africa
Лишь от трёх добавок я вижу реальный эффект (это не значит, что другие не действуют!), про альфа-липовую кислоту уже писала, а две другие в этом обзоре.
⚕️Первый герой (тоже в прошлом году писала о нем) - это препарат кремния в виде капель - #biosil от Natural factors. В этом году покупку повторила, потому что его действие на кожу визуально такое же, как и у альфа-липоевой кислоты, те я вижу анти-эйдж эффект, кожа становится более упругой и подтянутой. Кремний помогает вырабатывать собственный #коллаген, а это не только кожа, а и помощь для волос, ногтей и суставов. На ногти у меня не повлиял, волосы и суставы оценить сложно, но на кожу однозначно действует. Желательно выдержать курс 3 месяца, но это уже будет не 1 баночка. Есть в разных объёмах, я сразу взяла большой 30мл за 25$. По 5 капель 2 раза в день. Запах и вкус разбавленной воды так себе. Есть ещё в капсулах, но я считаю жидкие формы более эффективными.
⚕️Второй герой - капсулы с #гинкгобилоба от #doctorsbest. Брала для улучшения памяти и работоспособности мозга. В последние пару лет заметила, что с памятью реально начались проблемы, а моя работа требует ее очень много, да и вообще страх перед болезнью альгецмера, учитывая, что у бабушки она была. Тем более при курении проблемы с сосудами есть у каждого человека, даже если он этого пока не замечает. Не верила, что обыкновенная травка чем-то поможет, но память и способность к концентрации заметно улучшились. А бонусом у меня исчезли периодические головные боли! Видя такое волшебство, я и сыну купила гинкго, выпускной класс...Есть разные объёмы, у меня банка 120 капсул, по 1 в день за 8,5$
⚕️Ну и напоследок - #кордицепс, про который особо сказать нечего кроме назначения. Это китайский гриб, который поддерживает иммунную и респираторную систему, ради этого и покупала. Ну и кроме, чтобы просто не болеть, это профилактика герпеса у сына. И тьфу-тьфу вот он пропил банку, уже зима заканчивается, а герпес его пока миновал. Банка 60 капсул, приём от 1 до 6 в день, сын пил по одной 2 месяца. Кого заинтересовало это китайское чудо, можно почитать на #iherb в отзывах, что люди пишут о нем и о своём опыте.
#health #здоровье #бады #ginkgobiloba #cordyceps
Cordyceps infected harvestman and ant. Harvestman (opiliones) are an order of arachnids sometimes called daddy longlegs or harvestmen spiders — they are just starting to show up in the woods where I live although I took this photo last year. ⠀
Ants fall prey to several #cordyceps species but this does not look like one of them so the little ant was probably safe as he checked out the remains of the harvestman.⠀
Swipe to see a Cordyceps-infected fly which I posted a couple of weeks back. I messed up the IG crop the first time and it looked horrible in my gallery so here it is again along with a third picture of a moth encased by the fungus.⠀
As we know, some cordyceps are capable of controlling the host (to some degree) and the host will climb up a blade of grass or move higher up a branch before gripping the leaf and dying.⠀
Shot in the field using Olympus OM-D E-M1ii. Lens: Zuiko 60mm. TT350 Godox flash with DIY diffuser.⠀
Os fungos zumbificantes são seres extremamente diversificados, e se dividem nas famílias Cordycipitaceae e Ophiocordycipitaceae. Esses organismos, que inspiraram o jogo The Last of Us, adquiriram seu apelido devido a seu ciclo reprodutivo extremamente complexo: ao serem ingeridos ou entrarem em contato direto com o exoesqueleto de um artrópode, começam a se desenvolver no interior do seu corpo e modificar suas funções motoras. Após alguns dias de infecção, o animal irá se fixar em um local alto (geralmente em uma folha), onde permanecerá enquanto o fungo o digere de dentro para fora. Nas próximas semanas, corpos de frutificação, semelhantes a cogumelos, emergirão da superfície do animal e liberarão diversos esporos, iniciando novamente o ciclo. Suas interações são extremamente específicas e, a cada ano, várias espécies novas são descobertas, algumas inclusive com propriedades medicinais.
Fungo Cordyceps sp. parasitando vespa não identificada
#PedroTunes #fotografia #nikon #macro #brmacro #D3200 #macrophotography #bug #insectsofinstagram #crbio04 #cerrado #insect #wasp #arthropod #fungusporn #fungus #cordyceps #zombie #zombiefungus #thelastofus
✨ C o r d y c e p s ✨
Not fresh squeezed orange juice! This gorgeous dual extract is made with organically cultivated whole fruiting bodies of Cordyceps militaris... never just mycelium on grain.
Cordyceps can bolster our endurance during exercise by increasing ATP production (which is the the energy currency exchanged by our cells). Cordyceps also dilates the bronchi in our lungs, helping us breathe more deeply and absorb more oxygen from our environment.
Visit our website to order a bottle of our single Cordy extract or our Cordyceps containing formula, Thrive.
#cordyceps #cordycepsmilitaris #medicinalmushrooms #herbalmedicine #wellness #cordyzilla #freshsqueezed