corrosi glitch glitchart venini vintagestyle corrosioninspector
| Anello unisex a fascia in argento 925 puntinato e personalizzato | pezzo unico fatto a mano su ordinazione | Federica Pedretti |
#anello #ring #fascia #unisex #lei #lui #argento #silver #925 #decorazioni #puntini #corrosi #nero #brunito #lucidato #personalizzato #fattoamano #handmade #pezzounico #uniquepiece #design #artisan #jewels #lovejewels #jewelrydesigner #jewelrymaker #work #lovemywork #ÉF #ÉFJewelryDesign
The same day I visited Restaurant Elite in Helsinki one month ago I spoke with Aalto dealer Sami in Helsinki. I wondered about some Aalto vases and asked him if he was familiar with the pre-Aalto vase that Vicke Lindstrand created one year before Master Aalto?
He said that he used to own the vase in Lindstrand biomorphic series, but that it was stolen under strange circumstances a couple of years ago. I had to ask him how it looked. He described it as slightly green and unsigned.
Today I know better.
Lindstrand's biomorphic models are colourless and allways signed.
Grey-green biomorphical vases that are unsigned are created at the same time as those of Master Aalto, in Italy and were produced in few numbers, they are acid treated just like those of Originalist Vicke Lindstrand.
Corrosi models were designed by Paolo Venini.
Revised 18.02 6th of January:
Indication on Designer, not yet secured but most likely Master and Auteur Carlo Scarpa, Producer Venini.
Revised 18.16 6th of January: Corrosi vases by Carlo Scarpa in biomorphic style are Allways signed! Designed in the year 1936 and produced by Venini.
So, Sami had neither Lindstrand or Scarpa/
#corrosi #venini #1936 #internationalstyle #synchronicity #serialproductionlimitedandindividual #paolovenini #preaalto #aalto #lindstrand #originalist #mastercarloscarpa #auteurcarloscarpa #carloscarpa