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We are long overdue for a NedSpace Member feature!
Allow me to introduce @susanrsilver, the writer with a mathematical muse! Susan loves words, numbers, dreaming big & helping others, believing that whatever you imagine, you can become. They/Them pronouns.
Susan is a community manager who works with Fortune 500 Companies doing moderation and community engagement. They are celebrating their 10th year as a remote worker who got their start doing SEO copywriting as a freelancer. Susan is returning to school for an undergraduate degree in mathematics. They want to transition into a career in science communications and community management!
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The family keeps growing... Welcome, @industriousnashville!! Can’t wait to see the magic that happens in your new beautiful Downtown location. ✨✨✨
#soindustrious #industriousnashville #industriouspdx #coworkingspace #coworking #coworkinglife #coworkingportland #lovewhereyouwork #nashville #finallyhome #worktribe
It’s NedSpace’s @kindsnacks Hour! Come by, grab a snack, and complete a card for Letter of Love for the Elderly! Spread kindness!
#kindnessmatters #lettersoflove #communityacts #community #togetherness #payitforward #coworking #coworkingcommunity #coworkingportland #startupcommunity #startuplife #giveback #actionsspeaklouderthanwords