Список из самых популярных хештегов по теме #CPTSD

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#cptsd #ptsd #recovery #sociopath #anxiety #narcissisticabuse #emotionalabuse #healing #narcissist #abuse #mentalhealthawareness #domesticviolence #psychopath #selfcare #trauma #gaslighting #hoovering #mentalhealth #cheat #entitled #heal #ifmywoundswerevisable #iwillheal #knowledgeispower #liar #lovebombing #lovethis #narcissisticabuserecovery #psychologicalabuse #relevant

Хештеги которые включают в себя хештег #CPTSD
#cptsd #cptsdrecovery #cptsdsurvivor #cptsdwarriors #cptsdwarrior #cptsdmemes #cptsdawareness #cptsdproblems #cptsdsurvivorturnedthriver #cptsdlifestory #cptsdsucks #cptsdhealing #cptsdrecoverytools #cptsdandme #cptsdsupport #healingcptsd #cptsdlife #thecptsdbrain #beatcptsd #thisishowicopewithcptsd #livingwithcptsd

Хештеги на тему #CPTSD

Some believe its good to find healthy and safe ways to express anger instead of stuffing it down and bottling it up. These are actual examples I learned in a trauma recovery workshop. There are lots of other options and it’s a matter of finding what works. Personally I am still prone to the classic throwing of my cellphone or other valuables thankfully nothing has been broken as of late. Trying to get things under control but it’s slow learning lol. . . . . . #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthawarenessmonth #mentalhealth #anger #angermanagement #rage #impulse #impulsecontrol #emotionregulation #emotionalsensitivity #highlysensitiveperson #traumarecovery #trauma #cptsd #mentalhealthart #art #drawing #illustration #cartoon #comic

Хештеги на тему #CPTSD

Honour your boundaries. #repost @icantdrawbutdontcare I actually found this on Facebook and there was no source acknowledged.✌❤ #boundaries #selfcare #selflove #selfcompassion #selfprotection #brave #bravery #courage #courageous #cptsd #complexptsd #complextrauma #developmentaltrauma #childhoodtrauma #trauma #childhoodptsd #cptsdrecovery #survivor #warrior #narcissisticabuse #cptsdsurvivor #cptsdwarrior #cptsdawareness #cptsdrecovery

Хештеги на тему #CPTSD

‍⚖️Guilty ‍♀️... we all are !! You can’t guilt trip anyone or manipulate to care, talk, stay, understand, communicate, love, be a decent human being or whatever role you need them to have. You have control over no one but yourself!! Heal and move on!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #ifmywoundswerevisible #love #toxicrelationships #codependency #selflove #growthmindset #flyingmonkeys #honesty #narcissist #instagood #narcissisticabusesurvivor #mindfulness #abusiverelationship #jezebel #smearcampaign #churchhurtifelt #churchabuse #religioustrauma #spiritualabuse #churchhurtisreal #manipulation #psychology #scars #cptsd #endthestigma

Хештеги на тему #CPTSD

Your need to defend your reputation stems from a need for approval. LET. IT. GO. Keep focusing on your process! You become free when that desire dies . . . Just hit them with a cool and move on ‍♀️‍♂️ . . . . . . . . . . . . . #ifmywoundswerevisible #love #toxicrelationships #codependency #selflove #growthmindset #flyingmonkeys #honesty #narcissist #instagood #narcissisticabusesurvivor #mindfulness #abusiverelationship #churchhurt #smearcampaign #churchhurtifelt #churchabuse #religioustrauma #spiritualabuse #churchhurtisreal #endthesilence #psychology #scars #cptsd #endthestigma

Хештеги на тему #CPTSD

Please don’t be disillusioned that yours will be any different * Hence why you need to turn inward and focus all your energy on YOURSELF and your healing and NOT the narcissist. * Doing this will cut off their supply in its tracks. * You then become an unreliable source of narcissistic supply. * And eventually they leave you alone for longer periods of time. * They rarely go away for good unfortunately. * Don’t worry about who believes you. * Don’t give energy to what the narc thinks of you. * Do NOT feed. * Go NO CONTACT and if you have children then go strict MODERATED CONTACT. * Trust me this will accelerate your healing. * #cptsd #abusiverelationship #abusiveparents #narcissisticparent #narcissisticabuserecovery #abusesurvivor #narcissisticabuse #breakthesilence #raiseawareness #emotionalabuse #domesticabuse #domesticviolence #narcissisticabusesurvivor #emotionalabusesurvivor #domesticabusesurvivor #survivor #empath #lightworker #intuitivehealer #healer #selflove #codependent #traumabonding #lackofselflove #healingjourney

Хештеги на тему #CPTSD

~04/05/19 "I have never met a strong person with an easy past." A quote that resonates with me so much. Every single strong person I know in my life has not had an easy past. - So I remind myself this because we often empathise with the people falling apart in front of us (we should) but those who seem strong and holding it all together we think they're okay. - When a lot of the time those strongest people are battling a past you wouldn't even be able to imagine. ❤

Хештеги на тему #CPTSD

You don’t simply get over it * You sure as hell do rise. * And become a better version of yourself than you could ever imagine. * #abuse #breakyoursilence #speakyourtruth #ptsd #hiddenabuse #cptsd #abusiverelationship #abusiveparents #narcissisticparent #narcissisticabuserecovery #abusesurvivor #narcissisticabuse #breakthesilence #raiseawareness #emotionalabuse #domesticabuse #domesticviolence #narcissisticabusesurvivor #emotionalabusesurvivor #domesticabusesurvivor #survivor #empath #lightworker #intuitivehealer #healer #selflove #codependent #traumabonding #lackofselflove #healingjourney

Хештеги на тему #CPTSD

Хештеги на тему #CPTSD

"Let me be crystal clear: if you’ve faced a tragedy and someone tells you in any way, shape or form that your tragedy was meant to be, that it happened for a reason, that it will make you a better person, or that taking responsibility for it will fix it, you have every right to remove them from your life. Grief is brutally painful. Grief does not only occur when someone dies. When relationships fall apart, you grieve. When opportunities are shattered, you grieve. When dreams die, you grieve. When illnesses wreck you, you grieve. So I’m going to repeat a few words I’ve uttered countless times; words so powerful and honest they tear at the hubris of every jackass who participates in the debasing of the grieving: Some things in life cannot be fixed. They can only be carried." ~ Tim Lawrence ~ ・・・ . . . . . . . . . . . #TraumaandCo #Trauma #ComplexTrauma #PTSD #PTSDAwareness #ComplexPTSD #CPTSD #TraumaInformed #Grief #GriefSupport #GriefAndLoss #Loss #ComplexGrief #TraumaticGrief #ChronicIllness #ChronicIllnessAwareness #ChronicPain #ChronicPainAwareness #ChronicFatigue #Compassion #SelfCompassion #SelfCare #RadicalSelfLove #SelfLove #Connection #Community #Relationship #Support #Companionship

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