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⏱ 2 Days before camp . Before going full Porto Novo mode, taking the time to remember the crazy time in Bangui . How lucky we are to operate in such countries, thanks everyone for the trust so far along this journey, let’s keep moving together . credit @feuilleblancheparis #crossborder #africa #basketballcamp #bball #familypicture #bangui #centralafricanrepublic #afrobasket
Udah lama gak jalan-jalan, akhirnya kemaren gw dapet kesempatan buat dateng ke Atambua, Nusa Tenggara Timur.
Dan ini foto waktu di Pos Lintas Batas Negara Motaain. Perbatasan antara Indonesia dengan Timor Leste.
#atambua #belu #crossborder #ntt #timorleste #alor #belu #ende #florestimur #kupang #lembata #malaka #manggarai #ngada #nagekeo #sabu #sikka #sumba #tts #ttu #kotakupang
Indo-Myanmar Post Level Meet Ensures Cross Border Diplomacy ~ Monthly IMPLM was held at multiple border points across the international border in Mizoram. ~ Representatives from 1st Battalion ASSAM RIFLES and 8th Battalion ASSAM RIFLES interacted with their counterparts from the Myanmar Army. ~The agenda points:
Border security.
Actions needed to check the infiltration on either side of the border.
#assamrifles #indomyanmarborder #internalrelationship #crossborder #myanmararmy #bordersecurity #stopinfilteration #winwin #cooperation #growthmindset #bonding #togetherwearestronger
@indianarmy.adgpi @official_dgar
Thank u so much @kemenpar for Having me. ☺️☺️
Suatu Kebanggan Bisa Menghibur sodara2 kita di Perbatasan Nanga Badau dan Support Pariwisata disana... .
Alhamdulillah hampir 2000 Wisatawan dari Negeri Jiran Malaysia hadir dan Meramaikan Wonderful INDONESIA Crossborder Badau, Kalbar .
Salam Pesona INDONESIA ✊️ Wonderful...❤️❤️ .
#festival #crossborder #badau