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Tak tohle fáro mě hodně baví...
Thanks to #ivecoczechrepublic
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On April 30th the second Bible project will finally be published in wich I was allowed to participate. The ESV Prayer Bible combines Bible reading, prayer and church history in a unique concept. It was an honor to contribute 53 Illustrations and the cover design. Feel free to pre-order!
Art Direction: @joshcdennis
Product Photography: @jordan_eskovitz
#petervothdesign #petervothillustration #crosswaybooks #esvprayerbible #graphicdesign #illustration #bibledesign #design #bible #prayer #crossway
God uses our suffering to prune us so that we might bear fruit, to prepare us for the journey ahead, and for the ultimate purpose of bringing glory to God. ...
When you are “in Christ”, you are united with Him - joined in spirit, never to be separated. ...
Do you believe that Jesus is the Son of God? Do you believe that He died on the cross for your sins - in your place - so that through His death you might live?
Dash der 8160.
Bus: Iveco Crossway LE City
Unternehmen: RVW
Aufnahmeort: Chemnitz-Schönau
#Iveco #Crossway #Löwetry #Linienbus #Stadtbus #Solobus #Euro6 #EuroVI #Chemnitz #ZFEcoLife #Baujahr2018 #RVW #Zwickau #Limbach #Schönau #Fahrerarbeitsplatz #Dash #Dashboard #Winter #Schnee #Kalt