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Miałem w planie umieścić kapsle na tablicy korkowej. Ale jak je umocować, gdzie powiesić itp. Itd? Później wymyśliłem, że może klaser. Ale jak je układać? Kolorami, browarami, stylami czy może od najstarszych? Tutaj też poległem. Stanęło na tym, że trzeba je przeliczyć i wrzucić do słoja/wazonu (249 sztuk, bo Birbant 2 razy na 1 foro). Plusy: widzę wszystkie kapsle, po wstrząśnięciu słoikiem widok się zmienia Lepiej nie można
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Name: Faxe Premium
Brewed by: Royal Unibrew
Style: Pale Lager - Intl / Premium
Country: Faxe, Denmark
⚗️ ABV: 5.0%
My rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (6/10)
1l can. Color is dark golden, high carb, foamy off-white head. Medium-intensity aromas are bread crumb, porridge, grass. Taste is rather more complex than anticipated by the terrible container or the price: it's actually quite powerful, full-bodied, crisp and bitter, though not long-lasting. Not terrible, I must say.
Name: Stephans Bräu Hefe-Weizen Naturtrüb Alkoholfrei
Brewed by: Privatbrauerei Eichbaum
Style: Low / No Alcohol Beer
Country: Mannheim, Germany
⚗️ ABV: 0.5%
My rating: ⭐️ (1/10)
0.5l can. Pours clear with a thick pillow of mousse head that lasted well, heavy lacing, no visible rising carbonation. Yellowish gold in colour. Aroma of sweet dusky grains with some floral notes, typical of a low-alcohol beer. In the mouth, some sweetness from the first sip, rising through the palate, lower than average carbonation, medium texture, mild bitterness, some bread and cereal flavours, with a short finish leaving a trace of sweetness. Overall, no weizen character despite the name, just another sweet, malty low alcohol brew.
A year ago today I was panicking and stressing about my first solo exhibition at the Old Brompton Gallery. It was such a great evening and a huge thank you to everyone who made the effort to come and see what I’ve been up to with all my bottletops. I was so touched by the support from everyone - and have been overwhelmed by the amount of people who collect bottletops on my behalf - you are all glorious! Now I’m preparing for Sony’s sustainable Christmas Market tomorrow at @sonymusicuk in aid of @wwf excited!