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We are sent the invitation to negativity every day. We don’t have to accept it.
This post is for the that voice that creeps up and tells you that you aren’t good enough, that you should just keep quiet, that your voice doesn’t matter, that you should just remain in your comfort zone or even worse that you should just give up all together.
Well, I over did it (again) on Saturday and my pain was so bad that I had to use my Canadian crutches to take my daughter to the art supply store. That negative voice got really loud and I was feeling pretty beat down. People look at you different when you use Canadian crutches. Maybe it’s because they can tell you have used them a long time or they somehow look more permanent (Again, the voices in my head assuming what others are even thinking.) #CRPS is baffling and I am continually learning from my mistakes. An invisible illness is just that—it’s invisible to the human eye. It lies beneath all the scars below the surface of the skin.
We all have challenges and traumas that most people don’t see or ever even talk about and most of the time it’s because it is so hard to be vulnerable. But I have come to realize that some of my worst moments have prepared me for joy. It wasn’t until I changed my thinking that I was able to recognize that.
I always circle back to gratitude—grateful that I was spending time with my daughter and she sure didn’t mind my crutches. In fact, we even had a race in the parking lot. She won of course.
Perspective gives us the gift of choice. We can choose to see the good in every situation and the good is always stronger than the bad. Change the voices in your head by shifting your perspective. Always connect to your heart and stay on your path even if you have something that has slowed you down a bit.
I’m on both feet again and ready to take on a new week!
⭐️Mantra for the week:
Today I touch the strength of my soul. I live in confidence for life to conspire with me.
@amberlylago @stylewithkat #keepshining #resilience #truegritandgrace #amberlylago
#chronicillness #chronicpain #autoimmunedisease #chronicfatiguesyndrome #chronicfatigue #chronicpainwarrior #chronicillnesswarrior #chronicallyill #chronicpainawareness #sickallthetime #rheumatoidarthritis #fibromyalgia #fibro #fibrowarrior #lupus #lupusawareness #lupuswarrior #sle #pain #painwarrior #gastroparesis #ankylosingspondylitis #chronicillnessmemes #doctormemes #sickpost #sadbuttrue #endometriosisawareness #ms #crps #loinpainhematuriasyndrome
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) is the highest known pain condition on the McGill Pain Index. Rating above that of giving birth to a child, cancer pain or even having a finger traumatically amputated in an accident. .
Unlike child birth or a traumatic amputation, the pain of CRPS is relentless, lasting 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. .
NB: The McGill Pain Index is a rigorously tested scientific pain scale. Overall score is determined by compiling various numerical and cross - referenced descriptive words, allowing direct comparison across different conditions. .
#CRPSawarenessMatters #CRPS #ComplexRegionalPainSyndrome #CRPScharityAus #Causalgia #SevereNervePain #AMPS #GETLOUDaboutCRPS #McGillPainIndex #RSD
#Allodynia #spoonie #tremors #CRPSstrong #CRPSreallyGetsOnMyNerves #CRPSnetworkAus #YourCRPSna
Wishing I was on the track instead of on the couch today. I had an exam scheduled but the professor moved it to next week so I had nothing to do school wise. I did some deep cleaning in some areas of the house and got my oil changed but I'm feeling very not great today. I'm extremely dizzy and fatigued and just not focused on anything. I've greyed out twice and I when I sat down on the couch this afternoon I woke up 20 minutes late from an unplanned nap. Chronic illness is such a horribly unpredictable thing to have to deal with. I'm thankful the exam was rescheduled because I'm certain I wouldntve been able to take it and do well. It's beautiful outside and I wouldve loved to get a walk in but the second I step outside I'm an itchy sneezing mess so that was a no go. My new wheelchair should be getting here this week and I'm excited but still trying to cover some of the costs due to insurence declining to cover it for me. Whoo I'm exhausted. Time for some soup and an early night. .
#eds #ehlersdanlos #ehlersdanlossyndrome #chronicillness #chronicallyill #spoonie #rsd #crps #POTS #POTsie #tachycardia #pain #disabled #disability #edstype3 #dysautonomia #edsawareness #chronicpain
This by far is the longest time I’ve been hospitalized. It’s been 2 weeks, and how much longer I’m staying is in the air. I really don’t want to come across as this person who is always so strong and pushing through every second of every day, because that’s totally not the case. I’ve had multiple mental breakdowns countless times a day. I am still so fragile and weak even after being started on feeds. My BP is extremely low. We thought they were giving me the wrong dose but this morning we found out it was indeed the right dose, so we’re having to consult a POTS specialist. Having a low BP on top of MALS pain, not tolerating feeds well, nausea, and being malnourished don’t mix well.
Being in the hospital is so incredibly hard, especially as a teenager who just wants her old life back. I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m never going to get that life back, that I have chronic illness and I’ll have to fight it the rest of my life. What I can do instead of longing for a life that isn’t going to happen,
, is to try and find the positives even if there are only a few. And trust me, saying something is so MUCH harder than doing it. There are hours when I want to sit in bed and be miserable, then there are hours I feel like absolute crap but need to go out to the garden for sunshine. Sometimes I feel like doing art, sometimes I don’t want to. Heck, I’ve considered ripping out this tube from frustration (not because I don’t want the nutrients, I want some nutrients!) because for some reason I think if I just rip it out and leave I can go back to normal. It’s so frustrating at times because although I don’t look as bad as I did, I definitely feel the same. My faith has been shaken so many times, but I’ve always come back to God. He is my rock. He is my strength! Anytime I get nervous, scared, angry, etc. I’ll try to look up verses and pray about it. Every time I do this, I get this overwhelming calming from the Holy Spirit. I have to keep in mind God has a plan for me, and that I will make it through this!! Anyways, I’ll try to post updates when I can, but I really appreciate all of the support and love. My DMs are always open if you need to talk!! ♥️
Most of the time we feel tired not because we’ve done too much, but because we’ve done too little of what makes us come alive.
To be perfectly transparent I am feeling tired this morning and when I read this quote I got lazer focused on what the heck I have been doing.
I have a morning ritual where I pray, do some reading, journaling, and then a short mediation. When I got up this morning I said to myself, “Screw, the morning routine! I have too much to do!” Then I fell trying to sit on the toilet. The universe sure has a funny sense of humor. So.....I didn’t skip my morning routine and I did my journaling and got even more focused.
Success at anything will always come down to how focused you are and the effort you put in.
Cheers to doing more of what you love!❤️ How badly do you want it? What sparks your flame? Tag someone who wants it as bad as you!
@stylewithkat ♀️ @lululemon @lululemonla #morningroutine #successquotes #passion #getfocused #mindsetofsuccess #jimkwik #truegritandgrace #sparkjoy #amberlylago #soulpurpose
"Why are you even talking ?! You have a cane!"
These words were said to me while i was standing on a crowded bus where no one offered me their seat. A girl of around high school age decided to joke to her friends about how funny it would be if she fell on me especially since I had a cane. I thought it was a rude and odd comment to make , but I let it go. Her friend , a very tall and large guy, decided to squeeze by me to move further on back and while doing so accidentally bumped me. Her friend and I had no issues because we both understood it was an accident
What happened next is out of a drama TV show. This girl starts yelling at me , getting in my face about how I disrespected her friend. When I went to go tell her we had no issues , she said "Why are you even talking ?! You have a cane!". It took me a couple of seconds to even figure out why it was even relevant. My answer was that clearly , I was not mute which then led to the most corny , over used "YOU WANNA FIGHT?! ILL BEAT YOU"
That's when the bus was stopped , cops called , girl arrested and banned from the busses and I finally was able to sit down. •
If someone has a mobility device , it does NOT allow you to belittle or threaten them. Some of us *✋* have played intensive sports, MMA , been in the military...anything that does NOT make us these vulnerable beings you think we might be. Even if we are gentle and kind , we still have a right to a voice , especially when standing up for ourselves
#cfs #chronicfatigue #chronicfatiguesyndrome #ehlersdanlos #potsie #dysautonomia #ehlersdanlossyndrome #crps #mcas #zebrastrong #mastcellactivationdisorder #cyclicalvomitingsyndrome #raredisease #thespooniesisterhood #outofspoons #disability #mcad #mastcellactivationdisorder #eds #mecfs #spoonie #myalgicencephalomyelitis #spoonie #zebrawarrior #chronicillness #health #chronicpain #invisibleillness #mobilitydevice #walkingsticks