crystalsuk crystals crystalhealing crystalshop crystalsforsale healingcrystals crystalseller minerals healing crystalsofinstagram crystal crystalenergy crystalsofig crystalstore ukcrystals crystalcollection etsycrystals gemstones ukcrystalshop crystalhealer crystallove crystaladdict crystaldecor crystallovers etsyshop protection wicca obsidian pagan witchesofinstagram ukcrystals
My kinda ocean
Amazonite, Apatite, and fluorite.
I squealed with excitement when I put these out for this photo, I couldn't believe just how beautiful they looked together. I felt sad to have to wrap them all back up! It's amazing what mother nature gives us.
What's your favourite shade of crystal?
#crystalhealing #crystallover #crystalCommunity #ilovecrystals #healingstones #rockhound #magicalcrystals #crystalsphere #crystalsofig #crystalsforsale #crystalporn #crystalvibes #whyiloveminerals #crystalgems #wiccansofinstagram #fluorite #magick #crystalvibes #crystaladdict #apatite #gemstone #crystalsuk
I have apatite back!! These literally sold within a few minutes on the last update I had these! I also have apatite hearts too (of course) and they'll all be in my fb group update tonight. I'm always surprised at how many people have never heard of this incredible gemstone before despite its beauty. I feel like it's the forgotten blue stone
Apatite crystal stone helps to reawaken a sense of clarity that lights the path to self-expression. It gives us the guidance we need to maintain the delicate balancing act between following our dreams and the daily responsibilities of adulthood. Made from a common group of minerals containing a calcium phosphate base, Apatite reminds us that truly knowing oneself is the key to opening up the doors of the universe, a place where anything is possible.
#crystalmagic #crystalhealing #crystallover #crystalCommunity #ilovecrystals #healingstones #rockhound #magicalcrystals #crystalsphere #crystalsofig #crystalsforsale #crystalporn #crystalvibes #whyiloveminerals #crystalgems #wiccansofinstagram #fluorite #magick #crystalvibes #crystaladdict #apatite #gemstone #crystalsuk
RAW EMERALD | HIMALAYAS the stone of universal love // May birthstone:: on the shop .
the precious stone for removing old romantic attachments + releasing heart chakra blockages. Emerald is known as ‘the stone of successful love’, with its connections to Venus, goddess of love. .
encapsulating the greenery + goodness of nature, you’ll be pulled closer by Earth energies, grounded, stabilised, balanced. .
Ancient lore tells of emerald being used when prophesying about the future and predicting great fortunes. this stone is one of wealth, health, vitality + romance: all the good things of life. .
If you’ve been emotionally hurt in the past and learnt to live with your guard constantly up, or if you’ve given your heart and trust away many times, only to be let down, it could be that you are missing vital heart chakra energy or that you are suffering from an energy blockage in this space
Emerald’s rich green colour will fill your heart space, clearing away the cobwebs, making room for more self-love and romantic love. Emotional blockages are stored pain and heartache and energies that fundamentally no longer serve you and your higher self, thus preventing spiritual, personal and professional growth, standing in the way of your potential.
Emerald works with your intention to break down and wash away these energetic obstacles, helping you to manifest and call in to your life what you want. You will recognise your heart’s true desires and be fearless in chasing them.
#crystals #crystalshop #rawcrystal #emerald #emeralds #rawemerald #maybirthstone #emeraldbirthstone #birthstone #crystalsforsale #greentara #crystallovers #crystalsale #crystalseller #crystallove #crystalpower #crystalmeanings #crystalmagick #crystalmagic #crystalhealing #healingcrystals #healingenergy #crystalstore #crystalsuk #bristol #energyhealing
“There are many kinds of death. It isn’t necessary to leave the physical body in order to let a part of you die that doesn’t serve you any longer” - Bear Heart, The Wind is My Mother.
#wildhorses #crystalshop #crystalsuk #crystalsforsale #crystals #crystalhealing #natureshot #bearheart #shaman #shamanic #shamanichealing #natureheals #shamanism #ukcrystalshop #crystalsale #crystalhealer #reikicrystals #crystaltherapy #naturetherapy #anxietyrelief #depressionquotes #depressionrelief #selfhelp #mondayquotes #crystallove #crystaladdicts
Morning my lovelies, happy Monday!! Thank you all so, so much for the pile of orders over the weekend. I am truly grateful for your support. All your parcels of pretties are packed and will be shipped out today.
After a week away from the day job I am back to the usual routine this week. I confess I was hoping to get caught up a little bit more than I actually have and planned to have the redesigned website ready to go but the unexpected arrival of our new birdy companion (swipe left for photo) has eaten into my time, not that I'm complaining, he's a treasure, but the website remains a work in progress, for now at least.
I'll update tracking numbers, where relevant, later today. Have a good day
#crystals #crystalsuk #ukcrystalshop #crystalenergy #crystalhealer #etsyseller #crystalsofinstagram #crystallovers #crystaladdicts #crystalhealing #healingcrystals #crystalseller #crystalsforsale #etsycrystals #crystal #crystalcollection #crystalshop #crystalstore #etsy #etsyshop #minerals #ukcrystals #rocksandgems
"They were a gentle people who had a great love for the earth, and it’s said that Lemuria sank just like Atlantis when their divine teachings began to get misused. Lemurian Seed Crystal is believed to hold the rich and powerful spiritual knowledge of the Lemurians."
Lemurian seed holds a very unique and special energy. The Lemurian crystal is sometimes said to be one of the master crystals tuning effortlessly into your spiritual nature and working to help you to reveal your true self and soul. The beautiful vibes associated with the Lemurian crystal are perfect for meditation. Inspiring the enhancing of individuality by unlocking your potentials that exists in the celestial dimension - a place containing the map of your inner spirit. @dejanyoocrystals
#lemuria #atlantis #lemurianseed #redlemurianseed #lemuriancrystal #redlemuriancrystal #restock #crystalsuk #crystals #crystalshoplondon #clearquartz #clearquartzcluster #quartzcluster #etsy #etsyshop #etsycrystal #sunlight #london #spirituality #spirit #love #sparkle #witchesofinstagram #magick #london #chelsea #madeinchelsea #shine #friyay
This is a beautiful piece of natural Fibrous Malachite. Malachite offers protection from negative energies and encourages positive vibrations! It is also said to help restore strength and vitality when recovering from illness. A great friend to have around the home.
#Venusrox #Malachite #crystalspecimen #crystalcollector #crystallover #crystalcollection #minerals #mineralsofinstagram #crystalsuk #crystalgram #mineralcollection #naturalcrystals