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One of my favorite creation !! Beautiful Jazz in exclusive dress by Ria Victoria ✨ The dress is juicy green color # with black lace details . This dress I sewed from thick and stretch Italian fabric !! Dress without lining and without corset details !! The perfect line because a most high quality fabric ( it’s most important ) #designersdress .
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Nuovo appuntamento con i nostri consigli per rammendo e riparazione di base. Scopri di più sulle nostre stories su come inserire un elastico!
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I want to share with you another useful video.
I sew like this on polo shirts.
Do not forget ❤❤❤
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Quilta facilmente le forme che preferisci grazie ai righelli e al piedino fatto apposta per loro che ti aiuta a seguire la forma che hai scelto
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La chiusura lampo sará anche pratica ma non potrà mai sostituire la poesia di un bottone
Happy sunday ☀️✏✂️. #ericaskreation✂️ #ettelcouture #schnittmusterselbstgemacht #modelagem #modelist #modelagemperfeita #modelagemdovestuario #nähenmachtglücklich #brasilianischeschnittmethode #couture #kriativsein #cartamodelli #cucire #sumisura #fattoamano #buonadomenica #sewingpattern #imakemypattern #dressmaker #patternmaker
The Pola dress, a very comfortable, stylish dress.
Pattern @fibremood edition 3
Fabric @thefabricsales .
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