currierisland ebuc2019 love beachultimate portugal ultimatefrisbee beach mmix playmixed international happy portimao goodpeople mixedmasters teammates ultimate pickupteam smiles friends frisbee colourful team week spirit blueskies sport euros2019
Next week, FIVE Fulham Flyers will be playing at #EBUC (European Beach Ultimate Championships). In true FF spirit they are all playing for Currier Island, the international team that embodies SOTG. Join us in wishing them good luck, especially the one in the middle. #playmixed #ultimatefrisbee #fulhamflyers #ebuc2019 #sand #play #beachultimate #currierisland #CUR #MMX #MX #portugal #frisbee #spirit #sport #championship #ultimatefrisbee
Throwback to the Opening Parade at @ebuc2019 and @jonnyjonjonjonjonjonjonjon photobombing! #throwback #tbt #throwbackthursday #ebuc2019 #photobomb #portugal #portimão #beachultimate #frisbee #smiles #ultimatefrisbee #currierisland #sun #play #CUR #MMIX #team #sunglasses #beach #takemeback #fun #love #beach
Throwback to the last morning in Portimao #ebuc2019 #portugal #view #sea #beach #playmixed #portimão #sand #didntwantoleave #team #currierisland #friends #travel #horizon #experience #joy #throwback #tbt #rocks #throwbackthursday #beachultimate #frisbee #blue #love #happyplace #waves #explore #caves
This weekend I'm off to Portugal to play in the European Beach Ultimate Championships with some awesome people. It's a week-long tournament playing with Currier Island Mixed Masters playing against the National teams of Europe. And I can’t wait!! #playmixed #beachultimate #championships #ebuc2019 #currierisland #spirit #sport #masters #frisbee #ultimatefrisbee #play #beach #team #spirit #portugal #cur #mmix #sun #fun #beach
Did you know there’s a mythical island nation playing in #EBUC2019? ⠀
Currier Island is an ultimate frisbee team that began as a fictional island nation created in the Fall of 2004, the 1st World Championships of Beach Ultimate held in Figueira da Foz, Portugal.⠀
#currierisland #beachultimate #ultimatefrisbee #portimao #cidadeeuropeiadodesporto