customfurnituredesign customfurniture interiordesign walkincloset entertainmentcenter garage livingroom livingroomdesign tvunit bedroom conceptdesign customcloset homeoffice closet design furniture laundryroom luxurywardrobe pantries reachincloset customoffice homedecor homeofficedesign homeofficeideas wallbeds wallunits workspace workspaces architecture customupholstery
I think I have finally found the perfect tool for RTA (Ready To Assemble) furniture and cabinets. The Lamello Zeta P2. Do you have one of these and how has it helped your business? Please let me know in the comments!
#notsponsored #lamello #zetap #zetap2 #cooltools #readytoassemblecabinets #readytoassemble @colonialsaw @lamello_community
This is a follow up to the photo I posted yesterday showing the Lamello Zeta P2. This machine cuts special grooves for special connectors for Ready To Assemble furniture. The cam in this Clamex 14 connector can apply 200 lbs. of clamping force, and it can do mitered joints like this 45 degree here. If you have interest or questions on the machine, I highly recommend you visit
#notsponsored #lamello #zetap #zetap2 #cooltools #readytoassemblecabinets #readytoassemble @colonialsaw @lamello_community
Finally got a chance to use my new @powermatic.woodworking drum sander. I had veneered these panels yesterday, and this is a great tool for something like this. Took me twenty minutes to get 5 panels sanded. I would think it would have taken me at least over an hour to use a ROS to get to this point. #drumsander #veneer #veneers #walnut #cooltools #cooltooltuesday
In most situations I make these bow tie joints with a router and a template like in my last post.If you want the look of a thicker bow tie you have to do it the hard way.Here I cut and shape the bow tie first.Then I scribe the outline into the top with marking knives.Using the knife gives you an exact mark to index your chisel into.Remove the bulk of the wood with a router.#midcenturymodern #liveedgeslab #moderndecor #woodworking #customfurnituredesign #georgenakashima #interiordesign #furnitureforsale #midcenturydesign #liveedgetable #danishdesign #diningtable #brooklyn #etsy #furnituremaker #atomicranch #scandinaviandesign #customfurniture
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