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PESAN UNTUK RAJA dari @ustadzabdulsomad
Miris TIM Medis pun di pukul...
Apa alasannya?
Padahal dalam perang medis itu di lindungi dari hukum apapun.
Hadis dari Anas r.a , Rasulullah SAW bersabda:
اتق دعوة المظلوم وإن كان كافرا فإنه ليس دونها حجاب “Hendaklah kamu waspada terhadap doa orang yang dizalimi sekalipun dia adalah orang kafir. Maka sesungguhnya tidak ada penghalang diantaranya untuk diterima oleh Allah.” Hadis riwayat Ahmad – sanad hasan"
#repost @riarifqiofficial
Video credit-@hacking_or_security .
Hacking is a Science as well as an Art. Like any other expertise, you need to put a lot of effort in order to acquire knowledge and become an expert hacker. Once you are on the track, you would need more effort to keep up-to-date with latest technologies, new vulnerabilities and exploitation techniques. An ethical hacker must be a computer systems expert and needs to have very strong programming and computer networking skills. An ethical hacker needs to have a lot of patience, persistence, and perseverance to try again and again and wait for the required result. Additionally, an ethical hacker should be smart enough to understand the situation and other users’ mind-set in order to apply social engineering exploits. A good ethical hacker has great problem-solving skills too.
Follow us for daily hacking tips and free ebooks on hacking. Learn hacking with us for free
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Top 5 Highest paid #CyberSecurity Jobs
=> Freelance Bug Bounty Hunters:
Flaws in #Software #Code, which create vulnerabilities, have created a burgeoning #BugBounty economy with big payouts to elite freelancer #Hackers. Some of them earn more than $500,000 a year. But, that’s a far cry from the average take home pay for most #BugBountyHunters that are self-employed part timers with no guaranteed income.
=> Chief Information Security Officer:
#CISO compensation varies widely depending on the size and type of an organization. Fortune 500 corporations in big cities pay as much as $380,000 to $420.000 annually and more to their #Security head honchos. But a so-called CISO working for a mid-sized corporation is probably looking at a $150,000 to $200,000 salary.
=> Deputy CISO:
Exactly how much they earn is hard to say, but they’re certainly aiming for a future CISO position and salary. #HeadHunters say the salary is a $200,000 to $250,000 range.
=> Lead Software Security Engineer:
For the top #Coders with leadership skills – a rare breed – salaries exceed $225,000. In some companies, this position pays more than it does to the CISO. Software plus ‘soft skills’ equals big pay for aspiring #Programmers with a senior management role in their sights.
=> Cybersecurity Sales Engineer:
Switching over from #Coding to giving demos is upward mobility for more and more people in our field that are raking in $200,000 a year. There’s nothing wrong with closing deals and getting your fair share.
If you know #Cybersecurity, then you have a guaranteed #Job – for life,
Cybersecurity Ventures predicts there will be 3.5 million unfilled cybersecurity positions by 2021, up from 1 million in 2014. The cybersecurity unemployment rate dropped to zero percent in 2016, and has remained there ever since. .
What would be your #DreamJob in the Cyber Security field ?
Photoartist: @nikita_weiss
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Dengan segala hormatkami sebagai (ANONYMOUS INDONESIA) agar bisa duduk bersebelahan bersama kpu.ri secara langsung di Jakarta!..
Membantu menyelesaikan masalah & memeriksa data² input di dalam web untuk mencocokan Fisik C1 dengan Data di web____
Kami hacktivist indonesia bukan mengikut campuri masalah politik Negara,kami hanya ingin membantu meyakinkan masyarakat bahwa KPU bisa di percaya
terima kasih
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Want to know who has visited your FACEBOOK PROFILE? No Software/Tool is required. !!! We are not responsible for any illegal activity performed with this !!! #cyberspy #hacking #ethicalhacking #cybersecurity #cyberworld #secure #security #pentesting #pentester #computer #tech #techo #techie #inspiration #work #share #malware #goal #dream #entrepreneur #engineering #entrepreneurlife #ceh #hacking #hacker #hackerman #cybercrime #cyberforensics #adware #cyberlawyer
I Repeat "Never" If you got any suggestions Let me know in the comment section ✍
To know more about Hacking just Follow @helpthehack.
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#hackerman #informationsecurity #cyberattack #hack #hacked #computerscience
#ethicalhacking #kalilinux #hackerstayaway #informationtechnology #hackerspace
Clients exist for most versions of Microsoft Windows (including Windows Mobile), Linux, Unix, macOS, iOS, Android, and other operating systems. RDP servers are built into Windows operating systems; an RDP server for Unix and OS X also exists. By default, the server listens on TCP port 3389 and UDP port 3389.
Microsoft currently refers to their official RDP client software as Remote Desktop Connection, formerly "Terminal Services Client". The protocol is an extension of the ITU-T T.128 application sharing protocol.
To know more about Hacking just Follow @helpthehack.
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Salam M45T4H 15 1LLU510N
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