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Хештеги на тему #DANIELKAHNEMAN

Review: “Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow” by Yuval Noah Harari ⁣ ⁣ If you’re looking at this photo and thinking “This looks different”, it’s not your phone, Madina decided to be artsy. I’m excited to share this book with all of you because a lot of you loved Sapiens so much.⁣ ⁣ In his anticipated follow-up to “Sapiens”, Yuval Noah Harari tells the story of our progress and what the future will look like. We live in the most prosperous time in human history and have reined in famine, plagues, and wars. A lot of this book helps you understand why you should be grateful for all you have in society. For the first time ever, more people die from eating too much than from eating too little; more people die from old age than from infectious diseases; and more people commit suicide than are killed by soldiers, terrorists and criminals put together. The average American is a thousand times more likely to die from binging at McDonalds than from being blown up by Al Qaeda.⁣ ⁣ Although this is necessary when analyzing how far we’ve come, we must also attempt to understand where we’re going, something Harari does in “Homo Deus.” We will be able to make ourselves immortal? What will be the effect of Artificial intelligence on the 21 century? Can we protect civilization against weapons that can destroy us all? Reading this book was truly frightening, yet extremely thought provoking.⁣ ⁣ I hope you all decide to check this book out, cause it’s honestly a worthwhile read, which I found even more enjoyable than Sapiens. Hope you enjoy! ⁣ ⁣ 4.5/5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⁣ _______________________________________ #sapiens #homodeus #yuvalnoahharari #danielkahneman #barackobama #obama #bookstagram #books #nonfiction #sociology #biology #anthropology #artificialintelligence #history #book #bookalicious #bookworm #bookish #bookaesthetic #reads #readabook #bookstoread #nonfictionbooks #bestseller #bookstagrammer #bookstagrammers #readers #readersofinstagram #lovebooks #books

Хештеги на тему #DANIELKAHNEMAN

THINKING, FAST AND SLOW - Daniel Kahneman People make decisions about how to use resources to satisfy their personal goals. But what if that resource is brain capacity? Thinking is an expensive activity, and as great economists, our brains make shortcuts to save time and energy whenever they can. In most cases, this is good. It would be very expensive for the brain to constantly make cost-benefit calculations for mundane things such as walking and speaking. Though the ways our brains economize on brain power is rarely something we are consciously aware of. Daniel Kahneman shared the economics Nobel prize in 2002 for his work in the field that is called ‘behavioural economics’. His popular science book “thinking fast and slow” boils down his and his coworkers findings. Kahneman recognizes that the brain have two systems for decision making, which he calls systems I and II. System I is fast, instinctive and often uses heuristics (trial and error based automatic decision rules) while system II is slower, logical and calculating. From framing choices to people's tendency to replace difficult questions with easier ones, the book highlights several decades of research rationality and human judgement. #thinkingfastandslow #danielkahneman

Хештеги на тему #DANIELKAHNEMAN

The CrockCast cohorts love to read. Here’s a fantastic book mentioned with great reverence in this week’s podcast about Memory. Check it out when you’re in the mood to get all smartypants. You can listen to Such A Crock on your podcast app or our Link in Bio. #crockcast #podcast #danielkahneman #thinking #fastandslow #memory #theories #endings #noregrets #fondmemories #endings

Хештеги на тему #DANIELKAHNEMAN

„Często bywa wręcz tak, że im mniej wiemy, tym łatwiej jest nam ułożyć sobie wszystko w spójną całość.” zabierałam się za czytanie tej pozycji przez jakieś pięć lat żałuję, że tyle czekałam! #pułapkimyślenia . . . . . . . . #danielkahneman #nobelprize #thinkingfastandslow #mediarodzina #amostversky #letnialektura #bookstagram #booklover #economy #nobelprizewinner #kahnemann #psychology #czytambolubie #literaturanaukowa #reading #brain #thinking #books #książka #czytam #freetime #naptime #wkońcu

Хештеги на тему #DANIELKAHNEMAN

‘Since the corporations and entrepreneurs who lead the technological revolution naturally tend to sing the praises of their creations, it falls to sociologists, philosophers, and historians such as myself to sound the alarm and explain all the ways things can go terribly wrong.’ - 21 Lessons for the 21st Century, Yuval Noah Harari . I would say that would fall to psychologists as well to remind us human to stay being human, to cultivate ‘meaning’ in whatever we do. The chosen books to bring on my holiday . . #holidaybooks #happyholiday #readingonvacation #21lessonsforthe21stcentury #yuvalnoahharari #spiegelandgraunewyork #thinkingfastandslow #danielkahneman #penguinbooks #oscarwildethecompleteshortstories #oscarwilde #oxfordworldclassics #frankenstein #maryshelley #penguinenglishlibrary #bookstagram #currentlyreading #bibliophile #bookworm #mybookishlife #ilovereading

Хештеги на тему #DANIELKAHNEMAN

DICA DE LIVRO⠀ Daniel Kahneman recebeu em 2002 o Prêmio Nobel de Economia por seus estudos sobre a maneira como pensamos e decidimos. O psicólogo é considerado uma das maiores autoridades do século quando o assunto é a mente humana. ⠀ *⠀ Em seu livro "Rápido e devagar - duas Formas de Pensar", Daniel divide a formação do pensamento em formas distintas que chamou de SISTEMA 1 E SISTEMA 2. O Sistema 1 corresponde ao nosso pensamento rápido, intuitivo e automático, enquanto o Sistema 2 é responsável pela reflexão, racionalização e solução de problemas complexos, só que lento e um preguiçoso nato.⠀ * ⠀ Com um conteúdo denso, porém encantador, Daniel faz várias correlações entre a maneira com que absorvermos as informações através dos sentidos e como as processamos para tomar decisões no cotidiano. ⠀ *⠀ Leitura muito importante para quem trabalha com marketing, onde o entendimento da formação do pensamento é fundamental para prever a reação dos consumidores frente aos seus produtos. ⠀ *⠀ #neuromarketing #neurociencia #dicadelivro #marketing #DanielKahneman #livro #dica #aprendaneuromarketing #decisão

Хештеги на тему #DANIELKAHNEMAN

Wenn es nur eine einzige Eigenschaft gibt,die man seinem Kind schenken kann, schenkt ihm Optimismus!!! Denn aus unseren kleinen Optimisten werden bald große,dankbare,glückliche Menschen, die ihre Träume verwirklichen und dadurch die Welt zu einem besseren Ort machen.... #bewussterziehen Vorbild sein liebe Mamis♡ #love #home #happiness #beautiful #momlife #momoftwo #babygirl #babyboy #kidsroom #kidzfashion #kids #sisterhood #momblog #mamablogger_de #mamablogger #music #passion #instagood #inspohome #homeinspo #homedecor #fashionposts #styleinspiration #erziehung #optimismus #pädagogik #kinder #danielkahneman

Хештеги на тему #DANIELKAHNEMAN

‘... a child should be allowed to read anything: “A book never does any harm if it is well written.”’ (#Words #JeanPaulSartre ) ❤️ #bookmail #bookhaul #happythursday @periplusid #penguinclassics #penguinmodernclassics #penguinbooks #bantambooks #myantonia #willacather #thegravesafineandprivateplace #alanbradley #flaviadeluce #thinkingfastandslow #danielkahneman #bookstagram #bibliophile #bookworm #booklove #ilovereading #fiction #nonfiction #detectivestory #americanclassics #memoir

Хештеги на тему #DANIELKAHNEMAN

تفکر، سریع و کند مدت ها دنبالش بودم تا بالاخره تو نمایشگاه کتاب پیداش کردم، اولش از حجم زیادش جا خوردم ولی نه اونقدر که مانع خریدم بشه! خواندنش هم خیلی خیلی طول کشید ولی خوشحالم از این بابت چرا که باعث شد مدت زیادی با کتاب درگیر باشم و هم فرصت داشته باشم برای فکر کردن به مطالب و هم تثبیت آموزه های کتاب. اگر کتاب هنر شفاف اندیشیدن رو خوانده باشید متوجه میشوید که بارها به #دانیل_کانمن و کتابش اشاره میشود و میتوان این کتاب رو یکی از مراجع هنر شفاف اندیشیدن دانست. موضوع کتاب هم درباره تجزیه و تحلیل نحوه ی تفکر انسان، تصمیم گیری،قضاوت ها، خطاهای ذهنی و... است، خواندن کتاب برای من که آشنایی زیادی با رشته روانشناسی ندارم سخت نبود چرا که خیلی ساده شروع میشود و کم کم که خواننده با موضوع و اصطلاحات آشنا میشود، مطالب نیز عمیق تر میشود. ترجمه هم به نظرم مشکلی خاصی نداشت. . اگر شک دارید که میتوانید با کتاب ارتباط برقرار کنید یا نه! پیشنهاد میکنم سخنرانی دانیل کانمن رو در ted با عنوان the riddle of experience vs memory ببینید. . . @bahman.book #کتاب #کتاب_خوب #تفکر_سریع_و_کند #دانیل_کانمن #روانشناسی #book #thinkingfastandslow #danielkahneman #مستند #کتاب_و_مستند #معرفی_کتاب

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