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“Matilda was left alone. That was how she liked it” : Matilda (1996) :
Film Fact: ⋆In stark contrast to their characters, Danny DeVito and Rhea Perlman became very close to Mara Wilson during production. According to Wilson, DeVito and Perlman would often let her stay at their home and keep her entertained while her father was working and her mother was in the hospital receiving cancer treatments.
#matilda #marawilson #dannydevito #rheaperlman #saramagdalin #matildawormwood #badparenting #alonetime #pancakes # #breakfast #roalddahl #90s #90smovie #ilovethe90s #90smovieclips #1996
#matilda90smovieclips this links to all the Matilda clips posted so far.