gutarist davidshepherd davidshepherdacoustic kent soloacoustic weddingsinger hernebay uksinger cobersinger daveshepherd kentsinger supportlocallivemusic acoustic singer bridebook bandphotoshoot photoshoot livemusic guitar kentlivemusic acousticsinger guitarist acousticmusic livesound kentmusic ramsgate ramsgatemusic ramsgatepub singing thewindmillinn hernebay
What a busy week I have had. Here is a video from The Rock Lodge in Whitstable, super venue, super crowd. This is Swedish House mafia 'Dont you worry child' #davidshepherd#davidshepherdacoustic#swedishhousemafia#dontyouworrychild#acousticcovers#acousticmusic#clubtunes#kent#kentlivemusic#whitstablelivemusic#whitstable
This afternoons setup at The Cinque Port Arms In New Romney, it was a wine and cheese festival in the sunshine. On to the next venue this is number 4 out of 6 over the bank Holiday weekend. #wineandcheese#wine#cheese#festival#livemusicvenue#livemusic#soloacoustic#davidshepherd#davidshepherdacoustic#newromney#newromneylivemusic
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