daybreakgames h1z1 sony battleroyalegames h1z1br h1z1kotk h1z1ps4 playstation4 playstation h1z1brps4 h1z1kotkps4 everquest mmorpg love videogame 1stplace gamergirl ingame ingamephotography pcgaming fantasy oldgame comicconmuseum daybreak everquest2 gamer gaming terranrepublic
The face I make when telling people I don’t use business cards because I’m a millennial so I prefer Instagram Thanks @daybreakgames for having me at your health fair!
#youraustinchiro #chiropractor #corporatehealth #health #austin360 #atx #austin #doctorsofinstagram #millenials #millenialdoctors #videogames #daybreak #daybreakgames #healthfair #wellness #wellnesscoach #wellnessjourney #texas #corporatechiro #corporatechiropractor #businesscards #bussinesscard
Let's talk food! Yummy food at the private reception of EverQuest event at the San Diego Comiccon Museum. Catered food by @breadandcheesecatering. Fancy cake by someone . The EverQuest gallery is open to the public this weekend thru Eventbrite. Check out the cool history and art work!
#food #cheese #comicconmuseum #comiccon #everquest #daybreakgames #balboaparksandiego #sandiego #videogames #comics #comicconmuseum #breadandcheesecatering
Imma be honest....
I have never played Everquest in my entire life. This may come as a shock, but I am not a gamer. That said, I can fully appreciate the phenomenon that is Everquest. In the 20 years since it's inception it has completely revolutionized video games. People have met, gotten married, and even had little gamer nerd babies (I say that with all the love) because of this game.
This is me trying to figure out the map of this game. Again, I don't get it. But.... if you do - get thee to @balboapark this weekend because you can see an amazing free Everquest exhibit at the not even officially open yet @comicconmuseum for free!
Check out my stories for more behind the scenes from the media sneak peek.... .
#everquest20 #everquest #comiccon #sandiegoigers #sandiegoblogger #sandiegoblog #sandiego #balboapark #sandiego #comics #gamers #videogames #daybreakgames #daybreaksandiego #fantasygames #animation
God of War, Kratos cosplay by @wherethefucksthechicken this was one of my favourites from the many at Oz Comic Con Melbourne 2018. #sony #sonyentertainment #godoxad200 #godoxnation #godox #nikon #nikon85mm #cosplay #ozcomiccon #comiccon #gaming #Playstation #ps4 #axe #gels #badasscosplay #badass #cosplay_only #kratos #kratoscosplay #readyatdawn #daybreakgames #mythology #Melbourne #godofwar #e3 #comictoons #cosplay.kingdom
The fight with the upper shoulder part is won!
#cosplay #cosplayer #crossplay #crossplayer #eq #EQ2 #everquest2 #Everquest #mayongmistmoore #mayongnebelmoor #vampire #armour #wip #cosplaywip #cosplayworkinprogress #workinprogress #worbla #blackworbla #worblasblackart #german #germancosplay #shoulder #daybreakgames #daybreak #mmorpg