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If you want to follow Q posts, you can follow @qtardicus #Repost @qtardicus
New Federal Holiday? Happy [-17]. Calm before the storm. #q #qanon #qanon8chan #wethepeople #maga #wwg1wga #thesepeoplearesick #draintheswamp #thegreatawakening #voterid #buildthatwall #redcastle #greencastle #declassyfisa #fisagate #carterpage #nationaldebt #kstreet
#deepstate #pain #treason #sedition #militarytribunals
Post 3136 Watch the news for Rachael Chandler. #q #qanon #qanon8chan #wethepeople #maga #wwg1wga #thesepeoplearesick #draintheswamp #thegreatawakening #voterid #buildthatwall #redcastle #greencastle #declassyfisa #fisagate #carterpage #nationaldebt #kstreet
#deepstate #pain #treason #sedition #militarytribunals
Post 3133 WHO IS RACHAEL CHANDLER? #q #qanon #qanon8chan #wethepeople #maga #wwg1wga #thesepeoplearesick #draintheswamp #thegreatawakening #voterid #buildthatwall #redcastle #greencastle #declassyfisa #fisagate #carterpage #nationaldebt #kstreet
#deepstate #pain #treason #sedition #militarytribunals
Post 3296 FLAGSOUT Michigan Rally: Q call outs
#q #qanon #qanon8chan #wethepeople #maga #wwg1wga #thesepeoplearesick #draintheswamp #thegreatawakening #voterid #buildthatwall #redcastle #greencastle #declassyfisa #fisagate #carterpage #nationaldebt #kstreet
#deepstate #pain #treason #sedition #militarytribunals